Ottawa Citizen


Zelenskyy names new head of ground forces


•Russian forces launched 45 drones over Ukraine on Sunday in a five-and-a-half-hour barrage, officials said, as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy continued to reshuffle his war cabinet as the war enters its third year.

In a statement, the Ukrainian air force said it had shot down 40 of the Iran-made Shahed drones over nine regions, including on the outskirts of the country's capital, Kyiv.

The attack targeted agricultur­al facilities and coastal infrastruc­ture, officials for Ukraine's southern defence forces wrote on Telegram. They said that a strike in the Mykolaiv region had injured one person, sparking a fire and damaging nearby residentia­l buildings.

Another person was injured in Ukraine's Dnipropetr­ovsk region when a blaze broke out due to falling debris from a destroyed drone, said the head of the region's military administra­tion, Serhiy Lysak.

The strikes come as Zelenskyy continues his shakeup of military commanders in a bid to maintain momentum against attacking Russian forces.

Kyiv announced Sunday that former deputy defence minister Lt.-gen. Alexander Pavlyuk would become the new commander of Ukraine's ground forces. The post was previously held by Col. Gen. Oleksandr Syrskyi, who was named Thursday as the replacemen­t for Ukraine's outgoing military chief, Gen. Valerii Zaluzhnyi.

Incoming commander-in-chief Syrskyi has signalled that his immediate goals include improving troop rotation at the front lines and harnessing the power of new technology at a time when Kyiv's forces are largely on the defensive.

Ukraine's military intelligen­ce service said Sunday that attacking Russian forces had been found using Starlink terminals to aid their attack. It released what it said was a recording of an intercepte­d conversati­on between two Russian soldiers as proof.

Starlink terminals, which use a series of satellites run by Elon Musk's company Space X to provide highspeed communicat­ions, have been vital in giving Ukraine's military an edge over invading Russian troops.

Musk activated the Starlink service in Ukraine during the early months of Russia's full-scale invasion, responding to Kyiv's plea. Soon, the devices became a vital part of the country's infrastruc­ture, providing internet services in areas of fighting and beyond.

However, multiple reports of Russian troops using Starlink on the front line in occupied Ukraine


have begun to surface in the Ukrainian media in recent weeks.

“This is starting to become systemic,” the Rbcukraine news site quoted military intelligen­ce spokesman Andriy Yusov as saying on Saturday about Russian forces' use of Starlink.

They prompted Space X to release a statement on social media on Feb. 8, saying that it did not “do business of any kind with the Russian government or its military.”

However, Western tech components have regularly been found among Russia's arsenal as Moscow has become more skilled at evading sanctions, often importing goods via third countries.

In a statement on Telegram on Saturday, Zelenskyy said that he hoped to “reboot” the upper levels of Ukraine's armed forces with experience­d combat commanders.

“Now, people who are well-known in the army and who themselves know well what the army needs are taking on new responsibi­lities,” he said.

New presidenti­al decrees named Brig. Gen. Ihor Skibiuk as commander of Ukraine's air assault forces and Maj. Gen. Ihor Plahuta as commander of Ukraine's territoria­l defence forces.

Lt. Gen. Yurii Sodol, the former head of Ukraine's marine corps, was appointed the new commander of Ukraine's combined forces, replacing Lt. Gen. Serhii Naiev.

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