National Post (National Edition)

REO Speedwagon plans to stop rolling

Veteran rock band to end touring


REO Speedwagon will stop touring at the end of this year due to irreconcil­able difference­s between bassist Bruce Hall and vocalist Kevin Cronin.

The rock outfit — known for hits like Can't Fight This Feeling, Keep On Loving You, Roll with the Changes — addressed the split in a post on its official website.

It said a “complex situation” arose between Hall and Cronin as the former recovered from back surgery.

After Hall stepped away last fall, Matt Bissonette replaced him as part of the touring group, which consists of Hall, Cronin, guitarist Dave Amato, touring keyboardis­t Derek Hilland and drummer Bryan Hitt. But Hall only intended his absence to be temporary.

“If it were up to just him, he'd be back on tour ... but it's not up to just him.

“The consensus opinion was that he had not recovered sufficient­ly to be able to perform at the level the fans have come to expect,” the group members said.

They added: “Due to this complex situation, irreconcil­able difference­s arose between Bruce and Kevin. So, it is with great sadness that we announce REO Speedwagon will cease touring effective Jan. 1, 2025. Neal, Kevin, and Bruce thank their fans for all their years of loyal support and for giving back to the band such wonderful memories that will remain with each of them forever.”

The band didn't get into the details of Hall and Cronin's disagreeme­nt but said that neither had any intention of “leaving the band” or “walking away.”

On his own Facebook page, Hall posted a statement about the split.

“Never ever thought it would end like this and I'm heartbroke­n,” he wrote. “Please know Neal and I did everything in our power to try and keep the Wagon rolling. I am so appreciati­ve of ALL the amazing love & support ... We all deserved a farewell tour.”

REO Speedwagon was formed in 1967 and, in many incarnatio­ns, the group sold more than 40 million records.

The band's final show is scheduled for Nov. 23 in Kentucky.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? REO Speedwagon — which formed in 1967 — says a “complex situation” led to the decision to stop touring.
GETTY IMAGES REO Speedwagon — which formed in 1967 — says a “complex situation” led to the decision to stop touring.

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