National Post

Scientists turn to the gut for answers


- Meeri KIM

Anew study adds to a growing body of evidence that Parkinson’s disease, long believed to have its origins in the brain, may begin in the gut.

Gastrointe­stinal problems are common in patients with neurodegen­erative disorders, to the point where a condition known as “institutio­nal colon” was once thought to afflict those who lived in mental health institutio­ns. In Parkinson’s disease, the entire gastrointe­stinal tract is affected, causing complicati­ons such as constipati­on, drooling, trouble swallowing and delayed emptying of the stomach. These symptoms often appear up to two decades before motor symptoms such as rigidity or tremor.

“People have, for the longest time, described Parkinson’s disease as a top-down disease — so, it starts in the brain and percolates down to the gut, and that’s why patients have issues with their gastrointe­stinal tract,” said study author Subhash Kulkarni, an assistant professor at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. “Another hypothesis suggests in many patients, it may be a bottom-up approach, where it starts in the gut and goes all the way up to the brain.”

Kulkarni and his colleagues found that people with upper gastrointe­stinal conditions — in particular, ulcers or other types of damage to the lining of the esophagus, stomach, or upper part of the small intestine — were far more likely to develop Parkinson’s disease later in life. The study was published online this month in JAMA Network Open.

Trisha Pasricha, the senior author of the study, is the Ask a Doctor columnist for The Washington Post. She was not involved in the reporting of this article.

Mucosal damage is a risk factor for Parkinson’s

The analysis involved 9,350 patients with no history of Parkinson’s and who had an upper endoscopy with biopsy between 2000 and 2005. Most were between the ages of 50 and 64 at the time of the procedure.

Mucosal damage — an erosion, break, or sore in the mucous lining of the gastrointe­stinal tract — was associated with a 76 per cent greater risk of developing Parkinson’s disease during the followup period, an average of 14.9 years for the whole cohort. Specifical­ly, mucosal damage was defined as the presence of erosions, esophagiti­s, ulcer, or peptic injury on upper endoscopy or pathology reports.

Perhaps most notably, patients in the study suffered from their gastrointe­stinal issues long before discoverin­g they had Parkinson’s, most probably because they began experienci­ng motor symptoms. The average leadtime between the first detection of mucosal damage and an eventual diagnosis of Parkinson’s was 14.2 years.

Study supports ‘gut-first’ hypothesis

The results appear to support the “gut-first” hypothesis, proposed in 2003 by German anatomist Heiko Braak after several autopsy studies. As opposed to the “brain-first” hypothesis, it states that Parkinson’s begins as misfolded proteins in the nerves of the gastrointe­stinal tract.

When the gut-first hypothesis “first came out, there was a lot of skepticism in the field,” said Ted M. Dawson, Leonard and Madlyn Abramson Professor in Neurodegen­erative Diseases

at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, who was not involved in the study. “But the evidence has been accumulati­ng, and this study is another step in the stairway to acceptance that the gut is a major pathway by which Parkinson’s can occur.”

Normally, proteins fold into an ordered three-dimensiona­l structure. Misfolded proteins can cause neighbouri­ng proteins to misfold, leading to large, toxic and disruptive aggregates. A neuronal protein, alpha-synuclein is the culprit in Parkinson’s, and a diagnosis is typically confirmed by the discovery of alpha-synuclein pathology in the post-mortem brain. Several studies suggest misfolded alpha-synuclein can spread from the gastrointe­stinal tract to the brain via the vagus nerve, a neural superhighw­ay connecting the two.

For example, people with their vagus nerve cut — a last-resort treatment for peptic ulcer disease — have a lower likelihood of developing Parkinson’s disease. And studies in mice show that misfolded alpha-synuclein injected into the gut does travel to the brain, leading to Parkinson’s-like motor symptoms and cognitive decline. Severing the vagus nerve completely protects the mice against such effects.

Rise in number of Parkinson’s cases

Globally, the number of people with Parkinson’s disease has doubled in the past 25 years, with some experts referring to this exponentia­l surge as a “Parkinson pandemic.” Parkinson’s is the fastest growing neurologic­al disorder worldwide, even surpassing Alzheimer’s disease, according to the Global Burden of Disease Study.

Much of the increase is because of an aging population, but the rise in incidence persists after adjusting for age-related factors. Only about 10 per cent of cases can be traced to genetics, with the vast majority labelled as “sporadic” — without a known cause. Solving the mystery of why some people develop Parkinson’s and others don’t could lead to options for early detection, treatment, and hopefully one day, prevention.

The current findings suggest that damage to the lining of the gut could possibly be an inciting event that triggers the initial misfolding.

Experts recommend heightenin­g monitoring of patients with mucosal damage and the timely treatment of conditions that may lead to mucosal damage, such as peptic ulcer disease, esophagiti­s and H. pylori infection.

“If we treat these patients appropriat­ely, and the followup shows that the mucosal damage has been improved, is that enough to prevent future risk of Parkinson’s disease or not?” said Delaram Safarpour, an associate professor of neurology at Oregon Health & Science University.

“I think that’s an important point that needs to be studied.”

 ?? GETTY IMAGES / ISTOCKPHOT­O ?? It was originally believed that Parkinson’s disease originated in the brain and eventually affected the gut.
A new study shows evidence that Parkinson’s may begin in the gut.
GETTY IMAGES / ISTOCKPHOT­O It was originally believed that Parkinson’s disease originated in the brain and eventually affected the gut. A new study shows evidence that Parkinson’s may begin in the gut.

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