National Post

Iranian women going without hijabs as death of Amini marked


DUBAI • On the streets of Iranian cities, it’s becoming more common to see a woman passing by without a mandatory head scarf, or hijab, as the second anniversar­y of the death of Mahsa Amini and the mass protests it sparked approaches.

There’s no government official or study acknowledg­ing the phenomenon, which began as Iran entered its hot summer months and power cuts in its overburden­ed electrical system became common. But across social media, videos of people filming neighbourh­ood streets or just talking about a normal day in their life, women and girls can be seen walking past with their long hair out over their shoulders, particular­ly after sunset.

This defiance comes despite what United Nations investigat­ors describe as “expanded repressive measures and policies” by Iran’s theocracy to punish them — though there’s been no recent catalyzing event like Amini’s death to galvanize demonstrat­ors.

The country’s new reformist President Masoud Pezeshkian campaigned on a promise to halt the harassment of women by morality police. But the country’s ultimate authority remains the 85-year-old Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who in the past said “unveiling is both religiousl­y forbidden and politicall­y forbidden.”

For some observant Muslim women, the head covering is a sign of piety before God and modesty in front of men outside their families. In Iran, the hijab — and the all-encompassi­ng black chador worn by some — has long been a political symbol as well.

“Meaningful institutio­nal changes and accountabi­lity for gross human rights violations and crimes under internatio­nal law, and crimes against humanity, remains elusive for victims and survivors, especially for women and children,” warned a UN fact-finding mission on Iran on Friday.

Amini, 22, died on Sept. 16, 2022, in a hospital after her arrest by the country’s morality police over allegedly not wearing her hijab to the liking of the authoritie­s. The protests that followed Amini’s death started first with the chant, “Women, Life, Freedom.” However, the protesters’ cries soon grew into open calls for revolt against Khamenei.

A months-long security crackdown that followed killed more than 500 people and saw 22,000 detained.

Today, passersby on the streets of Tehran, whether its tony northern suburbs for the wealthy or the working-class neighbourh­oods of the capital’s southern reaches, now routinely see women without the hijab.

“My quasi-courage for not wearing scarves is a legacy of Mahsa Amini and we have to protect this as an achievemen­t,” said a 25-year-old student at Tehran Sharif University, who gave only her first name Azadeh out of fear of reprisal. “She could be at my current age if she did not pass away.”

The disobedien­ce still comes with risk. Months after the protests halted, Iranian morality police returned to the streets.

There have been scattered videos of women and young girls being roughed up by officers in the time since. In 2023, a teenage Iranian girl was injured in a mysterious incident on Tehran’s Metro while not wearing a head scarf and later died in hospital.

 ?? ATTA KENARE / AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? People in Tehran, including a woman without the obligatory head scarf, walk on a market street on Sunday, the second anniversar­y of the death in custody of Mahsa Amini.
ATTA KENARE / AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES People in Tehran, including a woman without the obligatory head scarf, walk on a market street on Sunday, the second anniversar­y of the death in custody of Mahsa Amini.

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