National Post

‘Jane Doe’ revealed in Blackberry lawsuit


The woman behind a lawsuit alleging Blackberry’s CEO sexually harassed her and then retaliated against her for reporting the behaviour is the company’s former chief marketing officer.

Lawyers for Neelam Sandhu told a U.S. court this month that their client would voluntaril­y proceed with the case against the Waterloo, Ont., tech firm and its chief executive John Giamatteo using her real name.

Sandhu, whose Linkedin profile shows she spent 14 years at Blackberry through December 2023, had originally pursued the case under the name Jane Doe.

Judge Sallie Kim told Sandhu and her lawyers in July that for the case to proceed under the pseudonym, they must seek permission from the court.

Sandhu’s lawyers, Maria Bourn and Anthony Tartaglio, said in court filings that she had wanted to remain anonymous to “avoid further retaliator­y actions” before she later agreed to be named, saying Sandhu hoped it would prevent harm to other women in the workplace.

Sandhu’s case began in April, when she filed a lawsuit alleging Giamatteo had “tried to get close to her” and “woo” her, after he became the president of the company’s cybersecur­ity business in October 2021.

She alleges Giamatteo suggested the pair travel together and that at a dinner she understood to be a business meeting, allegedly told her stories about how he dresses up when he’s out with his daughters so people mistake him for “a dirty old man” out on a date with them.

In court documents, Sandhu claims she reported the behaviour to Blackberry but alleges she was then excluded from meetings and heard Giamatteo had started telling staff he wanted to get her “out.” Later, she said she was told she was being terminated effective immediatel­y as part of a restructur­ing.

The claims have not been tested in court.

Giamatteo and Blackberry have fought Sandhu’s claims, saying she lost her job because she was part of a layoff that cut more than 200 staff from the firm as it was separating its cybersecur­ity and Internet of Things businesses.

On Monday, company spokespers­on Anthony Harrison said in an email, “We continue to see no merit in the claims made by the plaintiff and will continue to defend vigorously against them.”

Bourn and Tartaglio’s court filing says defendants Blackberry and Giamatteo opposed Sandhu’s use of a pseudonym.

When Sandhu proposed using her real name beginning either 90 days after she begins a new job or the case goes to trial, they say the defendants “rejected the overture.”

“Defendants have refused to allow this and have instead insisted on using her name, which she has agreed to only because she seeks to prevent further harm to other women within the workplace.”

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