National Post

Who would replace PM?

- Colin Alexander, Ottawa

Re: Memo to Liberals: PM can be ousted — Christophe­r Dummitt, July 16; and Bad policies will sink Liberals, not poor messaging

— Joe Oliver, July 18

In his detailed explanatio­n of what responsibl­e government should look like in Canada, Christophe­r Dummitt focuses on how the Liberals might oust their leader.

However, who would they choose to replace Justin Trudeau, with cabinet ministers seemingly disliked as well? While Trudeau has — according to polls and a significan­t recent byelection result — lost the confidence of the electorate, it must be noted that his cabinet ministers and their portfolios, including defence, education and finance, speak loudly to the party’s failure to govern well.

While there is a seldom used mechanism for a party ousting its leader, our system fails to provide a mechanism for changing a government until its term expires when it has a majority or is ably supported by a minority party capable of being bought off by socialist legislatio­n it would put forward itself if in power. A vote of “no confidence” has no chance whatsoever.

Our system leads to this sort of lame-duck situation when the party with the most seats, this Liberal party of ours, no longer stands for anything but clinging to power by any means.

Ron Hoffman, Toronto

Joe Oliver excels with his analysis of the Liberals’ failed policies. In 2015, Conservati­ves said Justin Trudeau was “simply not ready” to be prime minister. Too few commentato­rs foresaw that he could never become ready.

It’s obvious now there’s no business case for Trudeau, nor any other kind of case.

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