National Post


Allies descend into panic over his performanc­e


• Above all, Joe Biden’s allies wanted him to demonstrat­e strength and energy on the debate stage to help put to rest questions about the 81-year-old Democrat’s physical and mental acuity.

But on the biggest stage in U.S. politics on Thursday night, Biden did not meet their modest expectatio­ns.

And by the end of the 90-minute showdown, the Democratic president’s allies — party strategist­s and rank-and-file voters alike — descended into all-out panic following a debate performanc­e punctuated by repeated stumbles, uncomforta­ble pauses, and a quiet speaking style that was often difficult to understand. Publicly and privately, Democrats questioned whether the party could or should replace him as the party’s presidenti­al nominee against the 78-year-old Republican former president Donald Trump this fall.

“I’m not the only one whose heart is breaking right now. There’s a lot of people who watched this tonight and felt terribly for Joe Biden,” former Democratic Sen. Claire Mccaskill said on MSNBC. “I don’t know if things can be done to fix this.”

For now, the biggest question for Biden is whether the damage is permanent. Many voters have not yet tuned into an election that’s still more than four months away. The president and his allies are sitting on millions of dollars that have yet to be spent on advertisin­g and swing state infrastruc­ture.

And there’s precedent for recovering from rough debate performanc­es, including Barack Obama’s rebound from an uneven encounter with Mitt Romney in 2012.

Democrat John Fetterman went on to defeat a Republican rival in 2022 after struggling through a debate several months after experienci­ng a stroke.

On Friday, Biden strained to quell Democratic anxieties over his unsteady showing.

Biden was greeted early Friday in Raleigh, N.C., by throngs of supporters invited by his campaign to watch Air Force 1 carry him from the debate in Atlanta, where he brushed aside Democratic concerns with his showing that he should consider stepping aside, saying, “No, it’s hard to debate a liar.”

The Democrat was scheduled to hold what his campaign is billing as the largest-yet rally of his re-election bid in the state Trump carried by the narrowest margin in 2020.

He’ll then travel to New York for a weekend of big-dollar fundraiser­s that his campaign now needs more than ever, as it looks to stave off Trump.

Biden’s 2024 re-election campaign was always based on a gamble that voters would ultimately support an 81-year-old lifelong politician with weak approval ratings in a rematch that few Americans want. Despite such liabilitie­s, Biden’s team insisted that he was uniquely positioned to stop Trump from returning to the White House — just as he did four years ago.

They have long predicted that Biden’s winning political coalition would eventually embrace the Democratic president after being sufficient­ly reminded of Trump’s chaotic leadership. But there were little signs of such confidence in the wake of Biden’s underwhelm­ing debate performanc­e.

“It was a slow start. That’s obvious to everyone. I’m not going to debate that point,” Vice President Kamala Harris said on CNN after the debate. “I’m talking about the choice in November. I’m talking about one of the most important elections in our collective lifetime.”

Biden’s surrogates were slow to enter the post-debate spin room in Atlanta. And when they finally emerged, they largely avoided questions from the press. Instead, they railed against Trump’s long list of falsehoods during the debate. Among other things, Trump didn’t disavow those who attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a potential future presidenti­al candidate who was Biden’s most prominent surrogate in the Atlanta spin room, urged Democrats not to panic.

“I think it’s unhelpful. And I think it’s unnecessar­y. We’ve got to go in, we’ve got to keep our heads high,” Newsom said in an interview on MSNBC. “We’ve got to have the back of this president. You don’t turn back because of one performanc­e. What kind of party does that?”

Still, signs of anxiety were apparent as Democrats began to openly encourage the party to find an alternativ­e to Biden. Some party officials pointed to a social media post from former Obama campaign aide Ravi Gupta.

“Every Democrat I know is texting that this is bad,” Gupta wrote on X. “Just say it publicly and begin the hard work of creating space in the convention for a selection process. I’ll vote for a corpse over Trump, but this is a suicide mission.”

Under current Democratic party rules, it would be difficult, if not impossible, to replace Biden as the party’s nominee without his co-operation or without the party officials being willing to rewrite its rules at the August national convention.

Republican­s, meanwhile, were giddy about Biden’s lacklustre performanc­e. But Trump’s co-campaign chief dismissed chatter about whether Democrats would try to nominate someone other than Biden.

“There’s so many political experts on X, so we’ll hear a lot from them, I’m sure, in the next few days because they’ve all run so many campaigns,” Chris Lacivita said sarcastica­lly. “But the only way that happens is if Joe Biden voluntaril­y steps down, and he’s not going to do that.”

Thursday’s debate may be imprinted on voters’ minds for the foreseeabl­e future with Biden and Trump not scheduled to meet on the debate stage again for another 75 days.

Lacavita said Trump would be at the next debate “with bells on.” Biden campaign spokesman Kevin Munoz confirmed that Biden would also attend the rematch.

But privately, Biden advisers suggested that the campaign was never going to be won or lost in one rally, conversati­on or debate.

They pointed to plans to maintain an aggressive schedule in the weeks and months ahead.

Still, Biden supporters struggled to find any hope in the immediate aftermath of the debate.

“That was the worst performanc­e in the history of televised presidenti­al debates,” Tim Miller, a former Republican strategist-turned ardent Biden supporter, said in the spin room, shaking his head in disbelief.

 ?? ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? Critics say U.S. President Joe Biden had an unsteady showing at Thursday night’s presidenti­al debate in Atlanta.
ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES Critics say U.S. President Joe Biden had an unsteady showing at Thursday night’s presidenti­al debate in Atlanta.

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