National Post

Rain helps keep Fort Mcmurray fire at bay


• A wildfire that has forced thousands out of their homes in the Alberta oilsands hub city of Fort Mcmurray was held in place Thursday, as rain and cooler temperatur­es swept the area.

Alberta Wildfire informatio­n officer Christie Tucker said the blaze remained out of control — the only such designated fire in the province — but it did not grow overnight and remained at 200 square kilometres in size.

“We’re seeing rain and cooler temperatur­es in much of the province this week, but unfortunat­ely the northern part of the province is expected to stay drier and warmer,” Tucker told a news conference in Edmonton.

The blaze remained just under six kilometres from the southwest outskirts of the community and less than five kilometres from the main highway south.

In Fort Mcmurray, crews woke up to light rain, overcast skies and cooler temperatur­es.

Water from above was augmented with help on the ground.

Thick red hoses mounted to water cannons blasted enough water into dry ditches to fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool every 90 minutes.

The hoses, six kilometres of them, are powered by a batteries of 600-horsepower pumps.

The soakers help protect buildings, homes and vital routes in and out of the city against flames that on Tuesday forced the evacuation of 6,600 residents out of four neighbourh­oods.

They represent one of the lessons learned after the catastroph­ic wildfire that scorched the community in 2016, forcing 80,000 residents out of the city and surroundin­g area.

“The system was designed after 2016,” said Derek Sommervill­e, a wildfire specialist with Fire and Flood Emergency Services in Alberta.

“We can cover large distances. That frees up traditiona­l mobile resources like fire trucks and helicopter­s to deal with higher priority areas.”

David Warwick, who was forced to leave his home this week, said the emergency preparedne­ss has improved since 2016.

“They’re definitely a little better prepared with the notices that came out,” he said.

Lloyd Sawatzky also believes the province’s approach has improved. He came from the community of Slave Lake to help direct traffic and conduct checks in the vacated areas of Fort Mcmurray at the request of the new Regional Emergency Operations Centre.

“This is the first year they did it,” Sawatzky said.

Evacuated residents are likely to remain out of their homes until at least next Tuesday. The rest of the city and other surroundin­g subdivisio­ns remain under evacuation alert.

 ?? JEFF MCINTOSH / THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Justin Massie, wildfire specialist with Fire & Flood Emergency Service Ltd., adjusts a valve on a wildfire suppressio­n water cannon along Highway 881 near Gregoire Lake Estates southeast of Fort Mcmurray, Alta., on Wednesday as an out-of-control wildfire threatens the area.
JEFF MCINTOSH / THE CANADIAN PRESS Justin Massie, wildfire specialist with Fire & Flood Emergency Service Ltd., adjusts a valve on a wildfire suppressio­n water cannon along Highway 881 near Gregoire Lake Estates southeast of Fort Mcmurray, Alta., on Wednesday as an out-of-control wildfire threatens the area.

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