National Post

Sixteen women accuse magician Copperfiel­d of sexual misconduct


David Copperfiel­d has been accused of sexual misconduct and inappropri­ate behaviour by 16 different women.

The 67-year-old magician, who has vehemently denied the allegation­s, is facing claims from the late 1980s to 2014, with some of the alleged offences said to have taken place when the women were under the age of 18.

As reported by The Guardian newspaper, three women have accused the illusionis­t of drugging them before having sex, which they did not feel able to consent to.

Copperfiel­d has also been accused of four instances of groping women or making them touch him in a sexual manner during his live performanc­es. One of the accusers has claimed she was 15 years old when she met the magician in 1991, and it’s said he stayed in touch over the phone. While she was 18 when they had consensual sex, she has accused him of grooming her.

In a statement, a representa­tive for the veteran Las Vegas performer said: “Everyone that knows David Copperfiel­d will tell you that these recent allegation­s from one newspaper are the exact opposite of who David is.

“In fact, David has a record of risking his career to help protect women from powerful predators. Most of these historic accusation­s have been made before, and all of them are as false now as they were then.

“David requested the ‘evidence’ upon which these false allegation­s claim to rely and this has not been provided.

By contrast, whenever U.S. law enforcemen­t has looked into such matters, they have been investigat­ed thoroughly and it has been found that there is simply no case to answer.” In 2018, Copperfiel­d — who holds 11 Guinness World Records — denied historical sexual misconduct allegation­s.

 ?? ?? David Copperfiel­d
David Copperfiel­d

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