National Post

A great alternativ­e to an MBA

The Leadership Institute’s Certificat­ion in Leadership and Management Skills offers condensed training, adapted to the realities of today’s managers and executives


The much-desired master of business administra­tion (MBA) requires a twoyear commitment, a major hurdle for executives and entreprene­urs who are indispensa­ble to their organizati­ons. With more than 3,000 graduates over the past 10 years, the Leadership Institute’s Certificat­ion in Leadership and Management Skills offers condensed training, adapted to the realities of today’s managers and executives. Here are a few reasons to opt for this proven formula.


Offered in a 45-hour program, the Certificat­ion in Leadership and Management Skills requires only two half-days per week for six consecutiv­e weeks in the online format, or two three-day sessions in-person. According to research, executives and managers spend an average of between 40 and 60 hours a week at work. The program therefore offers a realistic commitment that aligns with managers’ busy schedules.

“Not everyone has access to the type of coaching and training that can help them become world-class,” explains Robert Esmie, a gold medalist sprinter. “Not everyone has time to find informatio­n, read books with the knowledge they need, and practice applying it. But the ability to pick an expert’s brain, someone who has been there and done that, and to provide feedback and encouragem­ent, can accelerate the learning process.”


Each cohort is taught by a dozen trainers and six speakers. Over the years, some of Canada’s most influentia­l personalit­ies have agreed to contribute to this elite program such as high-performing industry CEOS, entreprene­urs, former Premiers and government leaders, and gold medalist athletes. Past and upcoming speakers include Michael Downey, John P. Manley, Annette Verschuren, Iain Klugman, Bruce Hills, John R. Baird, Monique Leroux, Roméo Dallaire, Andrew Molson, Mike Pedersen, Helen Antoniou, Robert Esmie, Hubert T. Lacroix, Andre Barnsley. They are invited to speak about their vision, their career and their know-how. With limited seats per cohort, these exchanges take place in rare proximity.

“What I know of the human condition is this: under the right circumstan­ces, and given the right support, all of us can become values-driven, collaborat­ive, resourcefu­l, responsibl­e leaders the world and businesses need.” Annette Verschuere­n, chair & chief executive officer of Nrstor Inc and former president of Home Depot Canada.


The training explores essential topics such as team mobilizati­on, emotional intelligen­ce, coaching, communicat­ion skills, managerial courage, influence and political skills. Rather than approachin­g these skills according to corporate functions, the program focuses on individual skill developmen­t.

The people at the heart of the program - trainers and candidates alike - come from a range of industries and profession­s, enriching the learning experience and extending everyone’s profession­al network. Discussion­s and exercises are based on the achievemen­t of tangible results; newly acquired knowledge is immediatel­y transferab­le to the workplace. For managers, adopting a hands-on, practical approach is not only effective but essential, as it enables theory to be quickly translated into concrete action, promoting efficient management and results.

“Throughout the years, I’ve actively pursued learning from the diverse experience­s of others, convinced that this is the key to my continuous advancemen­t.”, Hubert T. Lacroix, strategic counsel for Blakes and former president and CEO of Cbc/radio-canada.


The Institute also offers a Women in Leadership program. With a total duration of 25 hours, this program is offered over three days

in person. The primary goal of this program is to build capacity for women in leadership roles by empowering and inspiring women with the tools, resources and networks needed to propel themselves towards their personal and profession­al ambitions.


Associatio­ns and Chambers of Commerce, or economic developmen­t supports, can partner with the Leadership Institute to offer profession­al developmen­t to their membership. These partnershi­ps strengthen the leadership capacity of the sector or region that socio-economic organizati­ons serve. Equipping influentia­l stakeholde­rs across an ecosystem with shared training can foster interconne­ctivity, collaborat­ion and workforce talent developmen­t that is central to the success of organizati­ons.

Businesses and organizati­ons can also partner directly to develop a private cohort. This model helps to break down silos across teams, build relationsh­ips between department­s, and equip managers with shared strategies around their wider organizati­onal goals. Each of these collaborat­ive delivery models opens doors to government funding opportunit­ies.

For more informatio­n visit: www.leadership­

 ?? SUPPLIED ?? Nabil Doss, a seasoned speaker and influentia­l communicat­ions expert.
SUPPLIED Nabil Doss, a seasoned speaker and influentia­l communicat­ions expert.

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