National Post

Canada urged to suspend funding for UN agency

- BRYAN PASSIFIUME bpassifium­

Jewish groups and others are calling on Canada to follow the U.S. and suspend funding to a controvers­ial UN agency in Gaza after allegation­s this week that its employees participat­ed in the Oct. 7 terrorist attack against Israel.

The U.S. government announced Friday it was immediatel­y pausing funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) after evidence presented by the Israeli government this week alleged 12 of the agency’s employees took part in the Hamas-led attack in which terrorists murdered over 1,000 Israelis, mostly civilians.

“Like the U.S., Canada must immediatel­y pause additional funding to UNRWA, review these allegation­s, and the steps the UN is taking to address them,” the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) said in a statement Friday.

“UNRWA employees participat­ing in the massacre of Jews on October 7 is only the latest serious allegation concerning that UN agency.”

National Post asked Global Affairs Canada, which oversees internatio­nal developmen­t aid, if Canada plans to take action in response to the allegation­s, but has received no response.

Canada had suspended funding to UNRWA under the previous Harper government due to long-standing allegation­s that the agency promoted antisemiti­sm and was linked to terror groups, such as Hamas.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reinstated Canada’s $25 million in funding in 2016.

“As the extent of the involvemen­t of UNRWA employees in the October 7th terror attack and the holding of hostages in Gaza continues to emerge it can no longer be ignored,” B’nai Brith Canada said Friday in a statement.

“B’nai Brith Canada believes that it is imperative that Canada pause its funding of UNRWA and that the UN immediatel­y commence its proposed comprehens­ive review of UNRWA and its role in the October 7th massacre.”

U.S. State Department spokespers­on Matthew Miller confirmed on Friday that 12 UNRWA employees were allegedly involved in the brutal Hamas-led terror attack.

Philippe Lazzarini, UNRWA Commission­erGeneral, responded to the allegation­s by ordering the immediate firing of the implicated employees.

UNRWA is a major conduit for the Canadian government’s Palestinia­n humanitari­an outreach.

In June, Canada announced a $100-million donation to UNRWA over four years, meant to deliver “core programs that support basic education, health, social services and livelihood opportunit­ies and protect the rights of Palestinia­n refugees.”

It also announced an additional $3 million dollars for immediate aid.

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