Moose Jaw

Hopkins Dining Parlour prepares to celebrate 45 years in the community with upcoming street party

- Aaron Walker - Moose Jaw Express

One of Moose Jaw’s longest serving restaurant­s will soon celebrate 45 years in the community, and to commemorat­e the occasion, the team at Hopkins Dining Parlour invites you to attend its anniversar­y street party later this month.

The celebratio­n will be held inside and on the closed off street in front of the restaurant on Saturday, Sept. 21 from 4 p.m. until closing at 10 p.m.

“We… want more people to know that Hopkins is not just a restaurant — it’s full of history like a museum, so we want everybody to share this experience with friends and relatives whenever they come to visit Moose Jaw,” announced Linda Lin, owner of Hopkins Dining Parlour.

Hopkins has always been known for its charm, and after a good meal guests are welcome to approach any staff member to inquire about a guided tour of the building and its rich history.

“So, you have the dining experience, but it’s also like a step into the past,” Lin said. “In 1905 this was the biggest house in Moose Jaw, and now it’s a (heritage property),” she continued, stating that the Victorian-era design is locally unique.

New this year is a basement game room which now features a pool table, karaoke machine, and a television to watch the next game. On Saturday nights guests can enjoy live musical entertainm­ent right in house.

This year’s celebratio­n will include

a returning guest of honour — Gladys Pierce, who previously owned and ran the diner for 40 years. Returning staff members, friends, and family are all welcome to stop by and catch up over a great meal.

The evening will be serenaded with musical entertainm­ent performed lived by returning band Bonnie & The Jets, and an opener to be performed by local talent Roger Blager and Brock Baillie starting at 4 p.m. Playlists will include an assortment of pop, folk, and country hits.

Last year Hopkins celebrated 44

years and the night’s theme was ‘70s attire. There won’t be a similar theme this year but staff will be wearing a 45-year anniversar­y t-shirt to celebrate the occasion. Guests are invited to purchase their own anniversar­y shirts as a souvenir and to help support a local business.

A few door prizes — which Lin hasn’t revealed — are available to be won and she and her staff are planning a creative and entertaini­ng way to randomly select prize winners.

The food, of course, will highlight the evening and Lin’s planning a wide variety of specials for the occasion, including the venue’s popular wings, appetizers, and drinks.

Afterwards, guests can look forward to the return of Hopkins’ medieval nights held every Friday throughout October and November. Anyone interested in holding a Christmas party, staff function, or a family birthday party can phone in to book a free reservatio­n.

“We use the whole house, including three floors and a basement,” Lin said. One room upstairs — Top of the Parlour — was remodeled back in 1984 is a higher class dining space that can accommodat­e 50 guests, and each floor reveals its own unique historical charm.

“We thank you for all the support… and we appreciate (everyone) who still keeps supporting Hopkins,” Lin concluded, recognizin­g that the 45-year milestone is only thanks to the ongoing support of the community.

Hopkins Dining Parlour is one of the oldest restaurant­s in Moose Jaw and is widely known across the province for its unique historical charm, in-house tours, ghost sightings, and for good food shared in good company.

Hopkins Dining Parlour is located at 65 Athabasca Street West and can be reached at 306-692-5995. For more informatio­n, visit HopkinsDin­

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 ?? ?? Hopkins Dining Parlour is located at 65 Athabasca Street West. Photo by: Aaron Walker
Hopkins Dining Parlour is located at 65 Athabasca Street West. Photo by: Aaron Walker
 ?? ?? Photos by: Aaron Walker
Photos by: Aaron Walker

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