Moose Jaw

Central grad lands award for academic excellence, sports efforts, ‘unparallel­ed integrity’

- Jason G. Antonio - MooseJawTo­

Central Collegiate graduate Bryce Boughen is the recipient of this year’s Dubinsky Family Scholarshi­p.

Boughen graduated in June with an average of 99.7 per cent and was accepted into the University of Saskatchew­an’s biomedical sciences program.

“Bryce is exceptiona­lly conscienti­ous about his studies. He maintains a high academic standing in all subject areas while committing time to volunteeri­ng and his extracurri­cular passion, hockey,” the scholarshi­p selection committee said.

Through his dedication to academics, Boughen earned numerous academic awards and was honoured as Central Collegiate’s valedictor­ian. Staff at Central Collegiate shared with the selection committee that the student “exemplifie­d outstandin­g academic excellence and unparallel­ed integrity.”

Furthermor­e, Boughen possessed a remarkable blend of intelligen­ce, diligence, and considerat­ion for others.

His impressive achievemen­t in high-performanc­e hockey, alongside his determinat­ion to acquire academic excellence, was truly extraordin­ary, the committee added.

During its Sept. 9 regular meeting, city council unanimousl­y received and filed the report, while Mayor Clive Tolley presented the scholarshi­p at the start of the meeting. However, since Bryce was in Saskatoon, his parents, Ryan and Rachel, accepted it on his behalf.

In 1982, the City of Moose Jaw entered into a trust agreement with Boris Dubinsky and Administra­tive Consultant­s Limited. The purpose was to establish an endowment that the municipali­ty would hold, with interest from the main endowment awarded annually as part of a scholarshi­p to a Moose Jaw high school student pursuing university or college.

All three original school divisions involved in the trust agreement disappeare­d or were absorbed into the larger divisions after the province-wide amalgamati­on in the early 2000s. However, the eligibilit­y criteria for the Dubinsky Family Scholarshi­p have remained the same, with the high schools in Moose Jaw that were with the original school divisions in the agreement eligible.

The city now administer­s the trust and annually awards scholarshi­ps based on the 1982 agreement, with the scholarshi­p selection committee recommendi­ng students for the award.

The scholarshi­p amount is supposed to be equivalent to the income the trust fund earned in the preceding 12-month period. The fund’s trustee is not allowed to use the principle — or any portion thereof — for any purpose other than earning income for scholarshi­p awards.

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