Montreal Gazette

Mila Mulroney named chancellor of St. Francis-xavier University


Mila Mulroney, widow of Brian Mulroney, Canada's 18th prime minister, has been named chancellor of St. Francis-xavier University, her late husband's alma mater in Antigonish, N.S.

The announceme­nt was made by the university on Tuesday, describing the new chancellor as a “STFX honorary degree recipient and a highly respected Canadian philanthro­pist.”

In a separate communiqué, Mila Mulroney noted that the school is where her husband was “first inspired to get involved in politics and public service, introducin­g him to a strong set of values that guided him along his journey ... Over the past 50 years, I have spent a lot of time on campus, and I have met so many wonderful Xaverians from across Canada and beyond. I am humbled and honoured to become the 11th Chancellor of STFX and to continue the work of advancing this one-of-a-kind institutio­n.”

University officials noted that “Mila's national and internatio­nal profile and demonstrat­ed leadership will prove to bring invaluable strengths to the university moving forward over the next several years.”

St. Francis-xavier University, establishe­d in 1853, is home to the Brian Mulroney Institute of Government, a centre for undergradu­ate education in the areas of government, public policy and research. The Mulroney Institute is home to two research chairs named in the new chancellor's honour — the Mila Mulroney Research Chair in women, policy and governance leadership and the Mila Mulroney Research Chair in women and politics. Both chairs focus on advancing knowledge affecting the lives of women today.

Mulroney assumes her role as chancellor effective immediatel­y with an official installati­on ceremony scheduled for December.

 ?? ?? Mila Mulroney
Mila Mulroney

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