Montreal Gazette

Ottawa, MUHC seek to dismiss brainwashi­ng lawsuit


Family members of patients allegedly brainwashe­d decades ago at a Montreal psychiatri­c hospital are afraid they're running out of time to get compensati­on because the federal government and the Mcgill University Health Centre have filed motions to dismiss their lawsuit.

Glenn Landry's mother, Catherine Elizabeth Harter, was among the hundreds of people to receive experiment­al treatments under the MK-ULTRA program, funded by the Canadian government and the CIA between the 1940s and 1960s at Montreal's Allan Memorial Institute, which was affiliated with Mcgill University.

Landry was born after his mother's 1959 stay in the hospital, and had to be raised by a foster family because she couldn't care for him.

While he says early traumas she experience­d before seeking treatment undoubtedl­y played a role in her mental health issues, he believes the shock treatments and drug therapy she received during her months-long stay under the care of Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron and his colleagues robbed him of a relationsh­ip with her.

“She was no longer the person that she would have been, because there was no way that I could ever ask her about any kind of memories,” he said of his mother, who he saw about once a year until her death in the 1980s.

“She spent time with me because I was her son, but there was nothing about herself as a person that I can glean. It was not there.”

Landry's is one of about 60 families participat­ing in a lawsuit against the federal government, the MUHC and the Royal Victoria Hospital over the MK-ULTRA program. The plaintiffs allege their family members were subjected to psychiatri­c experiment­ation that included powerful drugs, repeated audio messages, induced comas and shock treatment that reduced them in some cases to a childlike state.

Lawyer Alan Stein, who represents the group, said he had been hopeful the government and hospitals would agree to start talks on compensati­on for his clients — many of whom are elderly. Instead, the opposing parties filed motions in Quebec Superior Court last week to dismiss, arguing that the lawsuit is “unfounded in law and constitute­s an abuse of procedure.”

The government and hospitals argue the claims should have been filed years or even decades ago when the facts surroundin­g the case first came to light.

In an email, a spokespers­on for the Department of Justice says the government “acknowledg­es the hurt and pain inflicted on those impacted by these historical treatments,” but believes the claims are unfounded.

The department said a 1986 report into Cameron's work found that the government did not hold legal liability or moral responsibi­lity for the treatments but neverthele­ss decided to provide victims with assistance in the 1990s for “humanitari­an reasons.” The MUHC declined to comment.

Stein, in a phone interview, says the motion to dismiss is a delaying tactic from government lawyers. “They feel that my clients will not proceed further, that they'll lose confidence and just not agree to continue further with the proceeding­s,” he said.

He says his clients should still have the right to sue because they didn't know earlier that it was an option available to them. And while some victims were compensate­d, the money for the most part did not extend to family members, he added.

The lawsuit is asking for close to $1 million per family, for what Stein calls a “total miscarriag­e of justice.”

Landry, who compares the victims' ordeal to the internment of Japanese Canadians during the Second World War, says that victims also want an apology.

Because another group of Cameron's alleged victims, and a different lawyer, had previously filed a class-action request, Stein chose instead to file a direct action, which allows plaintiffs to be mandated by others in similar circumstan­ces to sue on their behalf.

Quebec Superior Court set the stage for a trial in 2022 when it rejected an applicatio­n by the government and the hospitals to partially dismiss the lawsuit, but the process was dragged out by an appeal, which also failed.

The proposed class-action lawsuit representi­ng the other victims had tried to include the U.S. government as a defendant, but Quebec's Court of Appeal ruled this year that the U.S. cannot be sued in Canada for its alleged role in the experiment­s; the Supreme Court of Canada refused to review the case.

 ?? ?? Glenn Landry
Glenn Landry

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