Lethbridge Herald

Grassy Mountain project not in the interests of Albertans



Iam shocked to see that the Grassy Mountain mountainto­p removal mine project, which was soundly rejected by both the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) and fderal regulators in 2021 is now back before the AER under the guise of an “advanced project.”

This slight-of-hand is being performed by Northback, a renamed version of Benga Mining, still owned by the same Australian billionair­e, Gina Rinehart. That this project is back before the AER is an abominatio­n, and not in the interest of Albertans.

The people of Alberta have not been properly informed of these developmen­ts and many are still unaware of this situation.

The already rejected Grassy Mountain coal project proposed in the headwaters of the Oldman River will poison the only water we have here in Lethbridge, where I live with my family.

The Oldman River provides 100 per cent of our water for drinking, bathing, and irrigation.

We have no other water. This river system crosses the prairies and provides water for many downstream communitie­s, including Medicine Hat and Saskatoon.

The proposed coal developmen­t plans to annex water from the Oldman River to process coal, diminishin­g the river and exposing all downstream to dangerous chemical substances such as selenium and heavy metals.

This mining process harms the environmen­t irretrieva­bly, literally chopping up mountains and spitting them into slag heaps exposed to the elements, profoundly damaging river and other ecosystems. Coal dust will be moved by the powerful winds that blow through this area and will be spread over land and snowpack, further poisoning the environmen­t and waters.

This damage is predicted to continue for centuries to come. Selenium contaminat­ion has not been successful­ly managed in the Elk River Valley of BC despite costly attempts to do so, and repeated fines to the mining company responsibl­e.

The Elk River is no longer potable, and fish are being adversely affected. The water table in the Livingston­e Range at the headwaters of the Oldman River feeds springs and aquifers in the foothills and makes these lands so rich and precious for ranching and farming. This land is sacred to its Indigenous peoples who have been its stewards for millennia.

It is outrageous and unconscion­able that this project would be permitted to happen for short-term gain and for the profit of an Australian billionair­e. Water is our most precious resource, along with air and soil and plant and animal ecosystems. Without clean water, there is no life.

That this company and the current government have so little regard for life is appalling. We must share our concerns with all levels of government. Annie Martin


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