Lethbridge Herald

SASG participan­ts taking different approaches during events

- Justin Seward sports@lethbridge­herald.com

Several teams converged on Coaldale for the Southern Alberta Southern Games this week and are soaking in the experience in different ways on the playing field.

While the Lethbridge Jr. Bulls won a gold medal in the senior baseball category on Tuesday after sweeping Brooks in a three game series, it was about getting the team more reps.

“Just get reps,” said Ethan Smith, Junior Bulls head coach.

“The big thing for a lot of these guys is getting reps and this team has come a long way with the amount of reps and just getting games in.”

Smith said it’s fun to play for something.

“We don’t get to play many tournament­s,” said Smith.

“So playing a tournament, playing for a medal, playing for something, especially before nationals, is fun (and) gives the team something to strive for.”

Smith thinks players need to be ready from the first pitch in short tournament­s such as the SASG.

“We can’t take any really games off or innings off,” said Smith.

“So we just got to go out there and be ready to play from the start.”

Smith said it’s great, when asked about the atmosphere.

“There’s a lot of people here around the diamonds,” he said.

“I haven’t gone to any other events yet but no it’s great. There’s a lot of people here, a lot of soccer teams, the division below us (and) a lot of baseball teams I’ve seen here.”

Steele Anderson agreed playing the same team over and over that they were going to pick up on Brooks tendencies.

“They’re a good team but I mean obviously if we’re on then usually we can beat these guys,” said Anderson.

Anderson would like to remember the

SASG as something they came out too, had lots of fun and win their category.

Lethbridge’s Team Anderson male 3x3 basketball team of 11 and 12 year old’s earned a gold medal after going undefeated in the first day of competitio­n.

Gio Gomez said it’s really cool, when asked about the 3x3 basketball.

“This is kind of like create your own shots and everything,” said Gomez.

“It’s more slow paced, which I kind of like.”

It was Gomez’s first time playing basketball in the SASG after he played soccer in the last games held.

“Some games are l really intense and exciting and some are more l slow paced and not as exciting, but the atmosphere is still really good,” said Gomez.

Eli Anderson thought the most exciting part of the day was a game against Barnwell.

“We had a lot of team chemistry, we were scoring lots, we (are) … having lots of fun,” said Anderson.

 ?? HERALD PHOTO BY JUSTIN SEWARD ?? Lethbridge Jr Bulls Eric Stotyn slides into home plate safely ahead of the throw to Brooks Evan Daniels during senior baseball action at the Southern Alberta Summer Games in Coaldale on Wednesday.
HERALD PHOTO BY JUSTIN SEWARD Lethbridge Jr Bulls Eric Stotyn slides into home plate safely ahead of the throw to Brooks Evan Daniels during senior baseball action at the Southern Alberta Summer Games in Coaldale on Wednesday.

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