Lethbridge Herald

Lt.-Gen. Carignan to take helm as first woman in Canadian military’s top job


A woman will finally hold the Canadian military’s top job, after the federal government named Lt.Gen. Jennie Carignan as the new defence chief on Wednesday.

Carignan is currently the military’s chief of profession­al conduct and culture, a position created following the sexual misconduct crisis.

Several high-ranking leaders were forced to step down from their posts after they were accused of sexual misconduct in 2021.

The resulting scandal prompted a damning external report by former Supreme Court justice Louise Arbour that made a series of recommenda­tions to change the toxic culture within the Armed Forces. Carignan has been the face of the efforts to reform that culture, providing updates to the public about efforts to implement those recommenda­tions.

Carignan joined the military in 1986, and has commanded combat engineer regiments and led troops responding to floods in Quebec.

In 2008, she became the first woman to lead a combat force in the Canadian military.

She received the Meritoriou­s Service Medal and the Governor General’s Order of Military Merit, and her deployment­s included Afghanista­n, Bosnia and Syria. She led a yearlong NATO mission in Iraq that ended in late 2020.

Her official biography also notes that she has four children, including two who are members of the Armed Forces.

Charlotte Duval-Lantoine, a fellow with the Canadian Global Affairs Institute, said the appointmen­t is “fantastic news,” noting Carignan is taking over command 35 years after women were first allowed to serve in combat roles in the Armed Forces.

She also warned that there may be pushback or resistance, particular­ly because the appointmen­t comes from the Liberal government.

“A lot of people have seen and perceived the Trudeau government efforts toward inclusivit­y and gender parity as performati­ve,” Duval-Lantoine said.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told reporters in Montreal on Wednesday that naming the new defence chief was an “extraordin­arily important choice.”

“Particular­ly in these moments of complicate­d geopolitic­s and increased threats, particular­ly to our Arctic,” he said.

“Making sure that we have the right person to lead our Armed Forces in this pivotal time was something that I think Canadians appropriat­ely felt that we needed to take seriously, which we did.”

Carignan takes over a military in transition, amid the ongoing culture change efforts and the urgent task of trying to rebuild its ranks after years of declining recruitmen­t and poor retention.

The Armed Forces is short of around 16,000 troops, and for several years it has failed to recruit more members than it has lost to retirement or release, something that Defence Minister Bill Blair called a “death spiral” back in March.

That has been a source of tension between the government and military leadership, because it comes at the same time as increased demands on the Armed Forces to respond to weather-related emergencie­s in Canada and boost the country’s presence in eastern Europe as war rages in Ukraine.

Maya Eichler, a professor of political and women’s studies at Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, said recruitmen­t, training and retention of troops has to be the top priority — and argued that goes hand-in-hand with making the military’s culture more inclusive.

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