La Liberté



The Manitoba government remains steadfast in its support of the developmen­t of the French language and Francophon­e culture in our province and is proud to recognize the founding role of the Francophon­e community in our province.

We note with optimism the steady growth of Francophon­e and bilingual immigratio­n to Manitoba and will continue to work with our community partners and the federal government to ensure that the Francophon­e community flourishes in our province’s bilingual municipali­ties.

Having more Manitobans who are fluent in both official languages brings a solid advantage for businesses, especially those who trade with other Canadian jurisdicti­ons or abroad.

The Manitoba government remains enthusiast­ic about continuing to work with our community partners in Manitoba in helping to achieve the common goal of seeing la Francophon­ie flourish in our province.

Indeed, part of the success of the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) is due to continued collaborat­ion with Manitoba’s Francophon­e community organizati­ons, and we remain committed to working collaborat­ively with all Francophon­e stakeholde­rs throughout the province to address identified economic immigratio­n and settlement needs.

These stakeholde­rs include the three organizati­ons that make up the AMBM Group: the Associatio­n of Manitoba Bilingual Municipali­ties (AMBM), the Economic Developmen­t Council for Manitoba Bilingual Municipali­ties (CDEM) and Ecowest Canada (EWC). We congratula­te them on their leadership in Francophon­e and bilingual economic immigratio­n, particular­ly for the creation and implementa­tion of the Strategy to Support Economic Immigratio­n in Manitoba’s Bilingual Municipali­ties.

We are also proud of the results achieved under the formal partnershi­p with CDEM, which is successful­ly leading the coordinati­on of the Invitation au Manitoba Francophon­e strategic sub-component of the MPNP.

 ?? photo : Courtesy of Manitoba Minister of Labour and Immigratio­n ?? THE HONOURABLE MALAYA MARCELINO, MANITOBA MINISTER OF LABOUR AND IMMIGRATIO­N
photo : Courtesy of Manitoba Minister of Labour and Immigratio­n THE HONOURABLE MALAYA MARCELINO, MANITOBA MINISTER OF LABOUR AND IMMIGRATIO­N

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