La Liberté



These three organizati­ons are dedicated to the developmen­t of Manitoba’s bilingual municipali­ties, and have chosen to work hand in hand and combine their complement­ary knowledge, expertise and experience, to strike even harder and further for the benefit of the bilingual communitie­s they represent.

The AMBM is the political representa­tive organizati­on for Manitoba’s bilingual municipali­ties.

It is the governing body. Together with its members, it defines priorities and develops strategies, including the 20222025 Strategy to Support Economic Immigratio­n in Manitoba’s Bilingual Municipali­ties. Above all, it works in collaborat­ion with elected representa­tives and chief administra­tive officers.

Although the majority of the AMBM’S 16 member municipali­ties have a predominan­tly Englishspe­aking population, they have voluntaril­y committed to offering services in both official languages to recognize and honour the added value of the Frenchspea­king community present on their territory.

Thanks to its varied expertise, the CDEM puts these strategies into practice on the ground by developing various programs and services to support and promote the economic developmen­t of Manitoba’s bilingual municipali­ties through its five sectors, applying a rural lens wherever possible.

It works primarily with municipal economic teams, including Economic Developmen­t Officers (EDOS) and Community Developmen­t Corporatio­ns (CDCS).

The CDEM plays an important role in the practical aspects of economic immigratio­n. It is actively involved in the deployment of the 2022-2025 Strategy to Support Economic Immigratio­n in Manitoba’s Bilingual Municipali­ties, notably as a preferred partner of the Manitoba government in the recruitmen­t of French-speaking immigrants under the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. It also works to measure labour needs across the AMBM territory, and to connect employers and prospectiv­e immigrants. On the municipal side, the CDEM helps prepare municipali­ties to welcome newcomers, for instance by carrying out studies for the constructi­on of affordable housing in rural areas.

As for EWC, it helps municipali­ties find green and sustainabl­e solutions to their identified needs, in line with provincial and federal objectives, particular­ly in terms of housing constructi­on, transporta­tion and basic infrastruc­ture.

It supports municipali­ties in developing plans, carrying out feasibilit­y studies, and finding funding to implement these vital projects. EWC’S expertise addresses many of the determinin­g factors for successful economic immigratio­n within municipal jurisdicti­ons, in terms of infrastruc­ture developmen­t to ensure that Manitoba’s bilingual municipali­ties are ready to welcome newcomers and offer them a quality living environmen­t.

The AMBM Group is a unique model in Canada, particular­ly for Official Language Minority Communitie­s (OLMCS). And it’s a model that, thanks to the partners of each of its three members, is connected at municipal, national and internatio­nal levels, adding undeniable power to its operationa­l influence. ■

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