La Liberté


- - Ryan Faucher, Economic Developmen­t Officer Rural Municipali­ty of Ritchot

“We work mainly on transporta­tion. Ritchot is part of the Southeast Regional Transporta­tion Initiative, which could include car sharing, carpooling and buses. A survey was conducted to find out how much residents would be willing to pay and where they would like to go.

“We also have a short-term electric vehicle (EV) sharing project with Saint-pierre-jolys, De Salaberry and Villa Youville in Sainte-anne. One of the aims of the project is to educate people about EVS and offer them the experience of driving one. This is a first in Western Canada, as far as I know!

“EWC helped us find funding. We received funding from the provincial Conservati­on and Climate Fund and the federal Fonds de développem­ent économique francophon­e des Prairies. We now have an EV and are in the process of choosing others. In Ritchot, we also have six charging stations, including a 50 kw level 3. Ultimately, we want to have 18 EVS.

“In addition, we are in the process of hiring an energy efficiency advocate thanks to Efficiency Manitoba, which is funding 80% of the salary up to $40,000 per year for two years. This person will educate and promote green solutions to residents, farmers and businesses. We want to change mindsets.”

Residents of the municipali­ty are also being connected, household by household, to high-speed internet through provider Valley Fiber, which finished installing its main lines in fall 2023, while Starlink offers service where Valley Fiber doesn’t cover. “We’ve gone from no connection to several options!” ■

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