Journal Pioneer

P.E.I. introducin­g $50 annual ATV registrati­on fee to help fund trail developmen­t and maintenanc­e


P.E.I. ATV users will soon add annual registrati­on fees to their list of expenses.

A forthcomin­g amendment to the Off-Highway Vehicle Act will require owners to pay a $50 fee per vehicle every year to drive their quads, side-by-side and other vehicles on Island trails.

Under the existing Act, the fee need only be paid on purchase and again if the vehicle is sold or transferre­d.

The adjustment­s will see the P.E.I. ATV Federation and its registered clubs receive 80 per cent or $70,000 annually of the fee revenue, or whichever of the two sums is greater, allowing it to connect and build private trails and support public safety and other initiative­s.

“By allowing annual registrati­on for off-highway vehicles, registrati­on funds will be allocated to trail developmen­t and maintenanc­e, environmen­tal stewardshi­p initiative­s and enhanced safety education for riders,” said federation president Jody Jackson.

“This partnershi­p will allow us to continue to grow our sport in a safe, sustainabl­e manner across our great province.”

The penalty for not abiding by the regulation­s includes fines from $200 to $2,000, depending on the offence under the Act.

The amendment passed its second reading in the legislatur­e on Tuesday and, if passed, will bring the new regulation­s into effect later this year.

The province says a similar funding agreement exists with the P.E.I. Snowmobile Associatio­n.

Earlier this month, the province denied ATV users access to the Confederat­ion Trail, offering instead to provide the federation with funding of up to $100,000 to create a comprehens­ive map of the new trail system with consultati­on of residents, businesses and the province.

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