Edmonton Journal

RCMP seek suspect for allegedly pretending to be officer

- JASON HILLS jhills@postmedia.com

Wood Buffalo RCMP are warning the public about a man impersonat­ing a police officer near Fort McMurray on Sunday night.

At about 8 p.m., police received a complaint that an unknown man, not believed to be a police officer, initiated a traffic stop on Draper Road, outside of Fort McMurray, police said in a news release.

The phoney stop took place around 7:30 p.m. when the driver of a black Chevy Suburban turned on red and blue lights in an attempt to stop another driver. When the car eventually pulled over, police said an unknown man exited the Suburban wearing all black clothing and identified himself as “Officer Tom.”

Police said the impersonat­or asked to perform a random search, but the driver refused.

The man then demanded the driver exit the vehicle and take a “breathalyz­er” test. The driver again refused to exit the vehicle, prompting the man to present a roadside screening device, similar to one that is used by RCMP, and gave instructio­ns to use it.

The driver complied and blew into the machine, and then the man left the traffic stop before the results were confirmed.

The suspect was last seen driving on Draper Road away from Fort McMurray.

“There was no force used according to the driver, and no assault took place,” said Wood Buffalo RCMP Staff Sgt. Sabrina Clayton.

“This is concerning behaviour for us. What is the motive for this person? Does it give them more confidence to do more traffic stops? It's concerning that someone is impersonat­ing a police officer and getting people to stop.”

Clayton said Wood Buffalo RCMP does have unmarked police vehicles and said they do get several complaints about this happening every year. She said it's important to take precaution­s if you encounter a possible impersonat­or.

“We always want people to stop for police, but if something doesn't feel right, call 911 right away, especially if someone comes out wearing all black and it doesn't look like they're wearing anything a police officer would wear,” Clayton said.

The vehicle is described as an allblack GMC-Chevrolet Suburban with tinted windows and windshield. Blue and red lights were located at the top of the windshield.

What is the motive for this person? Does it give them more confidence to do more traffic stops?

The suspect was described as bald, wearing black track pants, black sunglasses and a black external vest.

Clayton said the investigat­ion is continuing.

“We're very lucky that nothing happened to the driver in this case, and also thankful nothing happened to the person representi­ng themselves as a police officer,” Clayton said.

“Had that person encountere­d someone that could defend themselves, you never know who you're going to encounter.”

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