Edmonton Journal

Northern Lights and New Moon folk clubs preview new seasons

- FISH GRIWKOWSKY fgriwkowsk­y@postmedia.com @fisheyefot­o

Edmonton is a city of myriad musical flavours: heavy metal, electronic dance music and of course, country — yee haw! But nothing feels as insistentl­y municipal here as folk and roots music, thanks to an entire festival dedicated to it, the good work of CKUA and our seasonal folk clubs.

On that, the Northern Lights Folk Club has just announced its new season, opening with the reliably smart and hilarious pairing of T. Buckley and John Wort Hannam on Sept. 21 at Parkview Community Hall (9135 146 St.), where all its shows run — doors always at 7:15 p.m., music at 8 p.m.

New Moon Folk Club also recently made its seasonal announceme­nt, first show being Vancouver folk legends The Paperboys Sept. 20 at St. Basil's Cultural Centre (10819 71 Ave.). Doors here are always 6:30 p.m., concerts starting at 7:30 p.m.

May as well do each lineup as a list, let's begin with Northern Lights' sonic buffet.

The Woodshed: T. Buckley and John Wort Hannam, Sept. 21; Beau Wheeler and Ken Stead, Oct. 5; Rum Ragged, Oct. 19; Grace Petrie, Nov. 2; Scott Nolan, Joe Nolan, Scott Cook with Pamela Mae, Nov. 30; Big Little Lions. Jan. 25, 2025; Catherine MacLellan Feb. 8; Celtara, Feb. 22; Women of Folkways, March 8; Martin Kerr, March 22; Coig, April 5; and Martyn Joseph, May 3.

Early bird season passes are $324 + GST, on sale now through May 15; regular season passes are $348 + GST, on sale May 16 until sold out; and individual tickets — $29 ( before GST & fees), on sale starting June 15. These babies are all at northernli­ghtsfc.ca.

New Moon's offerings, meanwhile ...

The Paperboys, Kaiya Kodie, Sept. 20; Lynne Hanson, Oct. 4; Alexis Norman/The Mbira Renaissanc­e Band, Oct. 18; Aleksi Campagne, Nov. 1; Good Lovelies, Nov. 15; Tribute to Bill Bourne: A Night of Rising Stars (Sammy Volkov, Laurelle Kanji, Kaylin Kowalyshyn, Billie ZiZi, Kaiya Kodie and Brianna Lizotte), Dec. 6; Major Love, Mallory Chipman, Jan. 31, 2025; Old Man Luedecke, Feb. 14; Sue Foley, Von Bieker, March 7; Cassie & Maggie, March 21; Ndidi Onukwulu, Westmore, April 4; Rum Ragged, River Poets, April 11.

A limited number of season passes are now available for $299 + GST — passes mailed to you in August. Get those howlin' doggies at newmoonfol­kclub.com.

Make sure to check out Blueberry Music Festival's lineup in Stony Plain Aug. 2-4 at blueberryb­luegrass.com, impressive­ly including John McEuen & the Circle Band and Appalachia­n Road Show. Early-bird festival tickets $140 until June 1.

 ?? ?? The Good Lovelies play the New Moon Folk Club on Nov. 15.
The Good Lovelies play the New Moon Folk Club on Nov. 15.

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