
Putting Down Roots


As cities evolve and grow, there’s an inherent urge to leave our mark. It’s a desire that reveals itself in daring architectu­re, bold street art and urban spaces that invite congregati­on and placemakin­g. In a city like Toronto, every corner holds the promise of discovery, where beyond the skyline and streetscap­es, our homes become natural extensions of ourselves, shaped by how we live and a testament to human ingenuity. With this in mind, our New Builds issue celebrates the profound impact of creating something new, not just as an architectu­ral endeavour but as a testament to laying down roots and shaping the very essence of our city’s identity. “Garden Party” (PAGE 46), the title of our cover story, considers two unique takes on landscape design that capture backyard living in its evolved state—embedding architectu­re into the ecosystem of our natural environmen­ts to make the most of Toronto’s eeting balmy weather season. In “The Future Is Bright” (PAGE 50), we tell the story of a single parent who rebu s convention­al design and its implicatio­ns on family structure. Together, with architect Anya Moryoussef, they imagine a modern dwelling that denes the family home through uidity rather than a prescribed model. Pages of crat and creativity broaden this attitude. Ballooms (PAGE 74) contemplat­es nature's beauty through childlike imaginatio­n, Farfalline (PAGE 34) ips the script on material forms, and our spotlight of change-making designers (PAGE 42) proves the payo in embracing a unique point of view. Wherever you’re reading from, I hope these stories inspire even the smallest gesture and allow you to make your own meaningful mark.

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