CBC Edition

Chiefs gather in Fort Qu'Appelle, commemorat­e 150th anniversar­y of Treaty 4

- Darla Ponace

Chiefs from across Treaty 4 lands gathered in southern Saskatchew­an on Friday for a forum that covered a variety of topics, including an exploratio­n of the histo‐ ry of the first gathering.

Among the speakers in Fort Qu'Appelle, Sask., which is about 65 kilometres north‐ east of Regina. was former

Assembly of First Nations Na‐ tional Chief Perry Bellegarde, who spoke of the origins of the gatherings.

"In 1874, there were 13 chiefs on September 15th, 1874," said Bellegarde. "Thir‐ teen chiefs met on that land at Fort Qu'Appelle and each of those chiefs was promised 100 acres."

The lands that they were promised was an area of 1,300 acres where Fort Qu'Appelle is located. It was the land where people would gather to meet with Crown officials annually and receive their treaty annuity pay‐ ments.

"It was a reserve from 1874 until 1881," Bellegarde said. "Then at that time the railway was going to come to Fort Qu'Appelle, not Regina. So the land became very valuable."

Bellegarde said it only took seven years for the Crown to breach the first arti‐ cle of the treaty, which re‐ served lands would be kept for First Nations. It was at that time Fort Qu'Appelle was developed over the reserved lands.

In 1985, when the town was making plans to build a condominiu­m where the Fort

Qu'Appelle used to be locat‐ ed, elders started to voice their concerns over the rede‐ velopment of the land.

"Right in the middle of Fort Qu'Appelle were the bur‐ ial grounds," said Bellegarde. "That was the catalyst that woke everybody up."

In 1986 and 1987, Chiefs, elders and citizens came to‐

gether, and they were able to stop the developmen­t of the condominiu­m. A monument at the burial grounds is there now.

During that same time, Chiefs in the Treaty 4 area came together and started a land claim for the reserve land that was taken from them.

"Our claim was rejected three times," he said. "We said we're not gonna give up. This is our land. This is a treaty promise. We want what's left of the original re‐ serve back."

Bellegarde said the Crown finally agreed to the special claim put forward by the 34 Chiefs in Treaty 4. In the years that followed, they were able to purchase some of the original reserve land back with money that they got compensate­d with.

Pasqua First Nation Chief Matthew Todd Peigan said it was elders who are no longer with us that really started that fight.

"Their direction still lives on because we're gathered here today in this beautiful place," Peigan said.

"The beautiful facility be‐ hind me, the elders asked for a place to gather and they built the facility. The elders said, 'now we need a place to dance to have our powwows.' So then they built the pow‐ wow grounds."

Peigan said the two main reasons the annual gathering of Treaty 4 chiefs continues is to discuss the treaty - and talk with the elders, citizens and the other leaders - and have the powwow and cere‐ mony.

"We have the powwow where everyone comes to‐ gether. Not to celebrate the treaties and the downfalls of those, but to celebrate be‐ cause we survived all the government­al assimilati­on policies," he said.

"We're here 150 years lat‐ er, and we're going to be here well into the future."

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