CBC Edition

Doctors spread thin in remote Ontario communitie­s, inquest for First Nation woman told

- Sarah Law

The inquest for Ruthann Quequish from Kingfisher Lake First Nation in north‐ western Ontario has shed light on health-care chal‐ lenges in remote communi‐ ties, and as it wraps up, her community's chief says it's clear to him that the "sec‐ ond-tier" health-care sys‐ tem failed the 31-year-old.

Quequish died of ketoaci‐ dosis, a complicati­on of dia‐ betes, at her home in the OjiCree community in north‐ western Ontario in April 2017. She had visited King‐ fisher's nursing station multi‐ ple times in the days leading up to her death.

Since the start of the in‐ quest in Thunder Bay in late July, a five-person jury has heard from more than a dozen witnesses.

"Medical profession­als at the inquest have described that the health-care system in Kingfisher Lake and other First Nations communitie­s in our area is second tier," said Kingfisher's Chief Eddie Ma‐ makwa in an emailed state‐ ment to CBC News.

"The second-tier system is one which our community members experience every day. It is the system which failed Ruthann Quequish and her family," he said. "Health care is a treaty right and our people deserve health care that meets our needs."

The jury is expected to hear closing submission­s from the parties with stand‐ ing in the proceeding­s on Thursday before being tasked with answering five questions: identifyin­g who died, when and where they died, their medical cause of death and by what means they died (classified as either natural causes, accident, homicide, suicide or undeter‐ mined).

Jurors then have the op‐ tion to make recommenda‐ tions on how to prevent fu‐ ture, similar deaths.

Kate Forget and Carolyn Leach, who are with the In‐ digenous justice division of Ontario's Ministry of the At‐ torney General, are serving as inquest counsel.

"We've heard from a num‐ ber of very interestin­g wit‐ nesses who I think have provided a clear and nu‐ anced picture of the delivery of health-care services in re‐ mote northern Ontario First

Nations communitie­s," Leach said in an interview with CBC News.

"We have a very engaged jury who's clearly listening at‐ tentively and have been ask‐ ing some excellent ques‐ tions."

'The north is a different place'

Dr. Usne Josiah Butt, a re‐ mote and rural locum physi‐ cian, primarily serves Sandy Lake First Nation's nursing station. He was called as a witness because he inter‐ preted Quequish's lab re‐ sults.

Physician services for northern communitie­s in the region are flowed through Sioux Lookout Regional Physicians' Services Inc., which was formed in 2010.

Many nursing stations are operated by Indigenous Ser‐ vices Canada, but Kingfisher Lake runs its own nursing station. While a physician travels to the community five days a month, Butt said two of those days are largely taken up by travel, which means they're essentiall­y "trying to see a month's worth of patients in three days."

Recruiting and retaining physicians has become hard‐ er, impacting the continuity of care. Butt said physicians serving the north haven't had a new contract with the province since 2010. While their workload has increased, "the financial compensati­on has not remained competi‐ tive."

The north is a different place. It's the wilder‐ ness. Access is a chal‐ lenge. Preparatio­n for the isolation, for the travel dynamics, is a challenge. - Dr. Usne Josiah Butt

"They haven't really evalu‐ ated the way the service is being delivered and how we'd like to improve the ser‐ vice delivery. The old model doesn't work," Butt said. "We need funding in different areas so that we can increase our community days."

Meanwhile, communitie­s have grown, as have the health-care issues they're facing, including addictions, mental illness and diabetes, he said.

"The north is a different place. It's the wilderness. Ac‐ cess is a challenge. Prepara‐ tion for the isolation, for the travel dynamics, is a chal‐ lenge," Butt said.

There's also the problem of balancing the needs of inperson patients and those accessing services over the phone.

"It's acquiring informatio­n without seeing the patient, without touching the patient, and you're trying to sift through all of that," he said. "I'm an experience­d provider and I still find it over‐ whelming."

While he's had a re‐ warding career, Butt said it's important to provide remote health-care workers with support to cope with the emotional burdens of the job.

His suggestion­s to im‐ prove the system include a new contract for remote physicians and what he calls "doctor pods." These would consist of small groups of physicians dedicated to spe‐ cific communitie­s who could better share the workload and maintain a continuum of care.

Stress for patients, health-care providers

Communicat­ion and access to informatio­n, such as med‐ ical records, are two themes that came up numerous times during the inquest.

"The jury has heard a lot of informatio­n about the challenges with the systems that are currently in place that can hinder communica‐ tion between health-care profession­als, and what that means in terms of providing care on the ground," Forget said.

With an inquest focused on health care, it's been im‐ portant for the jury to hear from a wide range of people, so they have context about Kingfisher Lake, diabetes and how different bodies interact within the health-care sys‐ tem.

"I think the jury has heard certainly about limitation­s in resources, about the stress for health-care providers in practising in this context, and on the flip side, the chal‐ lenges for community mem‐ bers in accessing health care that will meet extensive health-care needs," Leach said.

As the inquest nears its conclusion, Leach said preparing the jury for the task at hand has been a col‐ laborative process.

"I feel like we're going to be well positioned as a group to collective­ly assist them."

Quequish's inquest is being held at 189 Red River Rd. The proceeding­s are also being streamed online in both English and Oji-Cree.

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