CBC Edition

Trump repeats conspiracy theory that PM Trudeau 'could be' son of Fidel Castro

- Darren Major

Former U.S. president Don‐ ald Trump repeated a base‐ less claim about Justin Trudeau's parentage in an interview on Monday, sug‐ gesting that the prime min‐ ister "could be" the son of former Cuban president Fidel Castro.

The current Republican presidenti­al candidate sat down for an interview with streamer Adin Ross and was asked to react to photos of various U.S. and world lead‐ ers.

When shown a photo of the prime minister, Trump immediatel­y brought up the conspiracy theory, citing an unnamed "they" as his source.

"They say he's the son of Fidel Castro and could be. Anything's possible in this world," Trump said.

Trudeau was born on Dec. 25, 1971, to the late Canadi‐ an Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and his wife, Mar‐ garet - more than four years before Margaret made a much-publicized first trip to Cuba and met Castro.

The conspiracy had previ‐ ously been shared widely on social media after Castro's death in 2016, when Trudeau caused an uproar over re‐ marks praising the late Cuban leader.

The interview with Ross is being described by U.S. media as an attempt for Trump to reach younger voters. At the beginning of the interview Trump said his 18-year-old son Barron is a "big fan" of the U.S.-based streamer.

Ross has more than four million subscriber­s on YouTube and more than one million subscriber­s on Kick, according to publicly view‐ able numbers on those plat‐ forms.

Trump did say that he "got along very well" with Trudeau, but suggested he didn't approve of his policies.

"He seems to be going very progressiv­e and the people of Canada are not lik‐ ing it," he said.

Trump also suggested that a conservati­ve candidate could win the next election, though he seemed to be un‐ aware of Conservati­ve Leader Pierre Poilievre who has been leading the Trudeau Liberals in recent polls.

"If they had a good con‐ servative person - maybe they do, maybe they don't. I don't know. But somebody that's a strong conservati­ve would win in Canada," Trump said.

In addition to Trudeau, Trump also reacted to photos of Chinese President Xi Jin‐ ping and North Korea's Kim Jong-un.

Trump described Xi as a "powerful" man and said he enjoyed a "good relationsh­ip" with the Chinese president, while he said he "really got along with" Kim.

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