CBC Edition

B.C. municipali­ties struggle with what to do with RV dwellers

- Maryse Zeidler

Standing by the side of his RV in a bright blue T-shirt, Donald (Gator) Varnador proudly shows off his mani‐ cured garden.

"I hear people always talk‐ ing about more affordable housing. Well, this is afford‐ able housing."

Gator, a senior, lives in the Riverbend Cottage and RV Resort just outside Parksville on Vancouver Is‐ land.

He says his meagre pen‐ sion isn't enough to keep up with the price of fuel, food, and everything else. So, about a year ago, he and his wife parked their RV here permanentl­y.

As British Columbia's housing crisis continues, an ever-growing number of peo‐ ple, many of them seniors like Gator, are using recre‐ ational vehicles and tiny homes as permanent hous‐ ing.

And municipali­ties and districts are struggling to bal‐ ance supporting people who might otherwise end up liv‐ ing on the street with safety and other concerns, includ‐ ing provincewi­de building codes that restrict the use of RVs as a full-time residence.

In Vancouver, Squamish and Surrey, elected leaders have wrestled for years with RV dwellers in campground­s and on city streets. Last fall in the Okanagan, councillor­s in

Vernon voted to allow RVs on Agricultur­al Land Reserve properties.

Parksville falls under the jurisdicti­on of the Regional District of Nanaimo, which recently came up against fierce opposition while trying to update one of its bylaws to include a six-month limit on RV stays in campground­s and resorts.

District director Leanne Salter says the uproar was no surprise, given the sharp in‐ crease in the region's cost of


"The future is RVs and tiny homes," Salter said.

"Whether we like them or not, we're going to have to accept that this is happen‐ ing."

The district voted to tem‐ porarily not enforce the by‐ law until staff determines which direction to take longterm.

Intimidati­on tactics

Paul Lagace, a poverty law advocate who frequently works with people living in RVs, says many local govern‐ ments have bylaws limiting RV stays - harking back to a time when campground­s and resorts were mostly just for tourists.

But in Lagace's experi‐ ence, these days most spots in RV parks are taken up by long-term residents - many of them seniors on fixed in‐ comes.

He says keeping the time limit on the books can be problemati­c, even if it's not enforced.

"Some RV park owners use this as an intimidati­on tactic," Lagace told All Points West host Jason D'Souza, adding that owners some‐ times use it to threaten to evict residents.

Such was the case a few years ago at an RV park in Surrey, even though the city explicitly said it wouldn't en‐ force its six-month limit.

Salter agrees that RVs have become permanent homes for many. But she says the reality is that, like all regions in B.C., the Regional District of Nanaimo is bound by provincial building bylaws. Safety concerns

Housing Minister Ravi Kahlon declined an interview with CBC News, but in a writ‐ ten statement he acknowl‐ edged that many are "turning to alternativ­e housing op‐ tions" to access the growing problem of affordable hous‐ ing.

Kahlon says there is no minimum size for a home in the B.C. Building Code, but long-term use of RVs and tiny homes on wheels is a differ‐ ent matter.

"Mobile and recreation­al vehicles have been devel‐ oped for temporary occupa‐ tion and do not address all the health and safety con‐ cerns that come with perma‐ nent occupation," the minis‐ ter said.

Kahlon says air, water and septic systems on RVs are usually designed for tempo‐ rary use and could fail and pose health risks to occupan‐ ts and the environmen­t if used long-term.

It's up to local govern‐ ments to establish time limits on how long an RV can be oc‐ cupied while they're parked, Kahlon says. Currently, the province is "not exploring changing or adjusting land use laws or local permitting around RVs."

The minister points out that some local government­s have used temporary use permits to allow RVs in some areas, as was the case in Ver‐ non last fall.

Updated guidelines

In a somewhat contradic‐ tory move, in 2020, the province updated its housing guidelines to clarify that recreation­al vehicles can count as permanent homes in an RV park or campground - even if they violate local by‐ laws.

The update meant that those who live in them may be protected by provincial tenancy laws.

Alexandra Flynn, a UBC law professor and director of the university's Housing Re‐ search Collaborat­ive, says RV dwellers present a tricky situ‐ ation for officials on all levels.

"It is not a sustainabl­e long-term developmen­t to just say, well, people are liv‐ ing in their vehicles, and we're good," Flynn said.

On a provincial level, the B.C. Building Code does come into play to determine if a domicile is safe to be in‐ habited, she says.

But given the current situ‐ ation, municipali­ties can do more to support people liv‐ ing in RVs by offering them a place to park and facilities like bathrooms and wash-up areas.

Flynn doesn't see RVs as a long-term solution to the fundamenta­l issue causing people to live in them.

"The fundamenta­l issue is a lack of adequate housing. And so when there isn't ade‐ quate housing, people are going to live wherever they can."

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