CBC Edition

Ticketmast­er says customers' credit card informatio­n affected by data breach

- Kevin Maimann

Ticketmast­er is notifying customers about a "data security incident" that may have leaked their personal informatio­n.

The ticket-selling com‐ pany wrote in an email to customers Monday that it re‐ cently discovered an "unau‐ thorized third party" ob‐ tained informatio­n from a cloud database hosted by a third-party company be‐ tween April 2 and May 18.

The informatio­n "may have included your name, basic contact informatio­n, and payment card informa‐ tion such as encrypted credit or debit card numbers and expiration dates," the email read.

The email says Ticketmas‐ ter is investigat­ing and co-op‐ erating with U.S. federal law enforcemen­t authoritie­s.

"We are fully committed to protecting your informa‐ tion, and deeply regret that this incident occurred," it said.

According to the email, Ticketmast­er determined that personal informatio­n might have been affected on May 23 - just three days after another major Ticketmast­er data breach.

That breach was de‐ scribed as "unauthoriz­ed ac‐ tivity" in a third-party cloud database that mainly con‐ tained Ticketmast­er data, ac‐ cording to a filing that month by the company's owner Live Nation with the U.S. Securi‐ ties and Exchange Commis‐ sion.

Held for ransom

That came after a hacking group called ShinyHunte­rs claimed it had stolen user da‐ ta of more than 500 million Ticketmast­er customers and demanded a ransom of $500,000 US ($680,000 Cdn), according to media reports.

It is not clear whether the two breaches are connected.

Evan Light, associate pro‐ fessor of communicat­ions at York University and an expert in privacy and surveillan­ce technology, says it's surpris‐ ing that people's credit card numbers were released.

"If people get emails from Ticketmast­er saying that they're among these accoun‐ ts, I'd say cancel your credit card right away."

Light suggests checking the website Have I Been Pwned, which scours data‐ bases in hacker forums, to see if your email address is included in those data sets.

He says it's also a good idea to enable two- or multifacto­r authentica­tion on credit cards, and to refrain from storing credit card in‐ formation with a company you are buying from, even though it seems convenient.

Light says most large companies outsource cus‐ tomers' personal informa‐ tion, and "you can only police people who you contract out so rigorously," which can be‐ come a problem for a com‐ pany of Live Nation's size.

"The fact that they're such a giant monopoly means that there's nobody to keep them in check," he said.

CBC News has reached out to Ticketmast­er for more informatio­n.

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