CBC Edition

MP Housefathe­r appointed to new role fighting antisemiti­sm

- Holly Cabrera

Liberal MP Anthony House‐ father has been named the federal government's new special adviser on Jewish community relations and antisemiti­sm.

A statement from the Prime Minister's Office says Housefathe­r will advise Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and ministers on the federal government's efforts to "combat antisemiti­sm and ensure Jewish Canadians are able to live with vibrancy, se‐ curity, and dignity."

Housefathe­r's appoint‐ ment comes after splits opened up in the Liberal gov‐ ernment caucus over the Is‐ rael-Hamas war. It also raises questions about how House‐ father's role will differ from that of Deborah Lyons, the government's special envoy on preserving Holocaust re‐ membrance and combating antisemiti­sm.

"There has been no time in my lifetime when Jewish Canadians have felt as threatened as they do today," Housefathe­r said in a media statement published Friday.

"While we cannot make antisemiti­sm disappear, all levels of government, univer‐ sities and police can take concrete steps to make Jew‐ ish Canadians feel safer in this country."

The MP for Mount Royal will undertake his new re‐ sponsibili­ties while contin‐ uing his role as parliamen‐ tary secretary to the presi‐ dent of the Treasury Board. The government says he will be working closely with Ly‐ ons, Jewish communitie­s and relevant stakeholde­rs across the country.

Prime Minister Trudeau said in a media statement

Friday that the government will do "whatever it takes to fight antisemiti­sm and hate, which is unfortunat­ely too prevalent in our communi‐ ties."

"With Mr. Housefathe­r's appointmen­t, we're contin‐ uing to make sure Jewish Canadians' voices are heard, protecting Jewish Canadian communitie­s, and making

Canada more inclusive for everyone."

Housefathe­r has clashed with his government over its stance on the Gaza war. In March, he said he needed to re-evaluate his place in the Liberal caucus after many of his fellow Liberal MPs sup‐ ported an NDP motion on the war, saying he believed "a line had been crossed."

The NDP motion originally called on the government to officially recognize Palestine as a state and to "suspend all trade in military goods and technology with Israel."

Most Liberal MPs support‐ ed the motion after some last-minute amendments. The final wording urged the government to "work with in‐ ternationa­l partners" to "pur‐ sue the goal of a comprehen‐ sive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East," and to work "towards the establishm­ent of the State of Palestine as part of a negotiated twostate solution."

Housefathe­r himself was a recent target of an anti‐ semitic message. On Tues‐ day, the Montreal MP shared a photo of a poster that called him a neo-Nazi and said he should "get out of Canada."

The photo shows the poster taped to a concrete lamppost in Montreal. A Nazi flag and an Israeli flag - with the star of David replaced by a swastika - are displayed on the sign alongside the words "Housefathe­r = Neo-Nazi" and "get out of Canada."

"My family has been here since the 19th century and we have indeed helped build this country. I am not going anywhere. Sorry, antisemite­s. You may not like what I have to say but I will keep saying it," Housefathe­r wrote in his social media post.

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