CBC Edition

Young Cree artist's version of Vincent van Gogh's Starry Night wows graduation

- Darla Ponace

A teen from Star Blanket Cree Nation in Saskatchew­an is consider‐ ing a career in art after a graduation mural he painted got rave reviews.

Students at Bert Fox com‐ munity high school in Fort Qu'Appelle, Sask., northeast of Regina, chose Starry Night as the theme for their gradu‐ ation and Sekota McArthur painted a mural putting a lo‐ cal spin on the famous painting by Vincent van Gogh.

Initially McArthur wasn't going to get involved with the project but ultimately de‐ cided to jump on board.

"I heard no one else was taking it up; I might as well take the offer," said McArthur.

He was hesitant at first because there was a threeweek deadline and he also had school work to focus on at the same time.

"It was major relief that I was able to get it done in time," he said.

McArthur said he's always been interested in art and his grandfathe­r Floyd Kinequon was his inspiratio­n. He does small paintings, sketches, skull dipping, and costume design.

Bailey Antonishyn, head of the art department at the school, said the grads chose Starry Night because of the colour scheme.

"We wanted to be relat‐ able for our students and where they're from, and they're very connected to the land and to the [Qu'Appelle] valley," she said.

"It's really important that it reflects them and where they've grown up."

Antonishyn was priming the 1.4 metre high by 3.7 metre length canvas with white paint when McArthur took over.

"We know he's a talented artist," said Antonishyn.

She said he took the brushes from her hand, "and he's like, 'It's OK, miss.'"

McArthur and Antonishyn discussed the vision and with the help of a couple of class‐ mates, he freehanded the entire design and completed the work in a week and a half.

"This is my first ever big project. Usually I work at a smaller scale than this," said McArthur.

Antonishyn said the painting was one of the first things that you saw when you came in the doors.

"A lot of people stopped and they took photos and people were really impressed by it," she said.

"He did a really good job on that project."

Positive feedback

McArthur's sister Sasha Kee‐ watin was a guest at McArthur's graduation and was surprised to learn he painted the mural.

She said from an early age their family knew McArthur was talented.

"We noticed it from the artwork he would bring home from school," she said.

Keewatin took a picture of the mural and posted it on social media to show their family members who could‐ n't come to his graduation. Soon people were reaching out to her with positive feed‐ back and positive comments.

"His artwork has touched all across Turtle Island, even in New Mexico. I haven't even been to New Mexico," she said.

"So for it to go that far is really, really outstandin­g. I'm so proud of him and his work truly deserves it."

McArthur said it has helped to motivate him to pursue a Fine Arts degree. He is thinking about applying to the First Nations University of Canada in Regina.

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