CBC Edition

Petting zoo animals at London Pride event die after Ontario farm receives anonymous anti-2SLGBTQ+ email

- Alessio Donnini

This story has been up‐ dated since it was first published to include new details from the London Police Service.

London police are investi‐ gating the deaths of two ani‐ mals and the illness of a third after they were on display at a petting zoo for children, part of a weekend Pride event in the southweste­rn Ontario city.

Two rodents - a Patagon‐ ian cavy named Bean and Cashew the guinea pig - died, and Apollo the goat is being monitored for symptoms at the farm, said Bethany Tout, owner of Little Hobby Hill Farm, an animal sanctuary and therapeuti­c farm based in Salford.

They were all housed in the same pen at the Oakridge Optimist Commu‐ nity Park on Saturday.

"I'm really hoping that it's not true that someone did this. I really hate to think that someone would do this in‐ tentionall­y," Tout told CBC News.

A post-mortem on the guinea pig will be conducted in Guelph to determine cause of death, Tout said.

"That can take a couple of days, but I am hoping it's quick so we can have an‐ swers."

Several days before the event, Tout got an anony‐ mous email to the farm's ac‐ count expressing disappoint‐ ment that her business was involved with the Pride event.

Police have not made any connection between the email and the death of the animals, however, they said the investigat­ion is active and ongoing.

"Pride has no relation to a petting zoo and there is no reason to conjoin these ... Please consider your events and what you support," the email reads. CBC News has seen the message in its en‐ tirety.

"I can confirm we are aware of the incident and we are investigat­ing the occur‐ rence," said Const. Matt Daw‐ son on Monday night.

On Tuesday afternoon, police released a statement saying the cause of death did not "appear to be as a result of intentiona­l poisoning." Dawson said the necropsy re‐ sults of the guinea pig had not yet been received from the veterinary college in Guelph, but was not able to provide further details.

"Should the investigat­ion become criminal in nature in the future, we will share addi‐ tional informatio­n," the police statement read.

A City of London spokespers­on said officials there are also aware of the incident.

"It's been a traumatic 48 hours for a lot of people," said Oakridge Pride organizer Brianna Phelan. The Patag‐ onian cavy had 10 seizures and was taken to the emer‐ gency veterinari­an, then put down, said Phelan, adding the guinea pig died Sunday "and the goat got really sick."

Despite uncertaint­y over how the animals died, Phelan said, it's unsettling, especially at a time when London police say hate crimes against members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community are on the rise.

"Every year, we've had is‐ sues with protesters or peo‐ ple contesting the event, but this year there was nothing. It was extremely quiet, al‐ most to the point of being unsettling," said Phelan. "Then, the petting zoo re‐ ceived an email."

She said she has reached out to the Ontario Poison Centre because she was wor‐ ried about the children who were with the animals and playing around their pens.

"[My grandchild­ren] were right down on their hands and knees on the grass," said Lori Ward, who attended the event. "Make sure that your children aren't feeling sick or your animals that may have been at Pride aren't feeling unwell."

Ward encourages people to look through their film footage to see if anything looks suspicious.

No matter what hap‐ pened, Tout said, she will continue to bring her animals to Pride events.

"We'll take precaution­s but it won't deter me from participat­ing."

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