CBC Edition

Neil Young and Crazy Horse cancel upcoming tour dates due to illness

- Arturo Chang

Neil Young and Crazy Horse have cancelled upcoming shows of their Love Earth Tour.

The Canadian rock legend and his longtime backing band announced Wednesday the U.S.-Canada tour will go on a "big unplanned break" as some members of the band recover from an un‐ specified illness.

"When a couple of us got sick after Detroit's Pine Knob, we had to stop," a message posted on Young's website said.

Young and Crazy Horse scrapped tour dates through the end of July. They were scheduled to play in Toronto, Ottawa, London, Ont., Win‐ nipeg, Calgary and Edmon‐ ton, and finish the Canadian slate with two dates in Burn‐ aby, B.C. July shows in Ore‐ gon, Utah and Washington were also cancelled.

In Winnipeg, tickethold­ers were notified Wednesday they would be refunded their tickets for his scheduled July 17 concert at the city's Blue

Cross Park.

The Love Earth tour was announced this February, two years after the song‐ writer said he would no longer tour unless he was able to do so in an environ‐ mentally sustainabl­e way.

Young and the band apol‐ ogized to fans for the cancel‐ lation, but added that "Health is #1."

"We will try to play some of the days we miss as time passes when we are ready to rock again," the message said.

"We want to stay and do more shows and more al‐ bums for you."

Ticketmast­er said on its site that those who bought tickets should expect refunds to their accounts in 14 to 21 days.

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The London and Ottawa dates were to be festival ap‐ pearances.

Ottawa's Bluesfest said in a social media post that Off‐ spring will now headline the July 11 night. Single-day ticket holders for that date will re‐ ceive further informatio­n soon, organizers said.

Rock the Park in London said Wednesday that Bryan Adams has now been added to the bill on July 13, the night Young was to play. Those who purchased tickets for that date will be emailed about the change and given the option of a refund, orga‐ nizers said.

Young, 78, has been back‐ ed on the tour by longtime Crazy Horse members Billy Talbot on bass, Ralph Molina on drums, and newer addi‐ tion Micah Nelson on guitar. Nelson is the son of country music legend Willie Nelson.

Young and band did man‐ age to play a Toronto show on May 20, just before the aforementi­oned Detroit date. Late May dates in Chicago, Dallas and Austin, Texas, were then scrapped.

Young's schedule still in‐ cludes September dates in Kentucky and California.

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