CBC Edition

4 things to know about the 'oppressive' heat wave descending on Ontario and Quebec

- Benjamin Shingler

Millions of people are un‐ der a heat warning in On‐ tario, Quebec and New Brunswick, with Environ‐ ment and Climate Change Canada warning that tem‐ peratures could reach as high as 35 C.

The weather service is warning of "dangerousl­y hot and humid conditions" in parts of Ontario and Quebec in particular.

Here's what you need to know.

How hot will it get?

Humidex values, which com‐ bine the air temperatur­e with humidity to calculate what heat feels like to the average person, could reach 45 C in parts of Quebec and Ontario.

The overnight lows are ex‐ pected to remain above 20 C.

In New Brunswick, the conditions are slightly more moderate, with a forecast high of 33 C and humidex high of 41 C in Fredericto­n.

Dave Phillips, senior cli‐ matologist with Environmen­t and Climate Change Canada, described the system as a massive heat dome, which is a high-pressure system that works to trap high tempera‐ tures near the Earth's sur‐ face. The heat rises and then gets pushed back down, like a convection oven, he said.

"It's almost going to be what you see in a jungle kind of situation with the tropical nights," he said in an inter‐ view, warning that the heat could be "very oppressive."

How long will it last?

The heat wave is expected to last through Thursday evening, with highs expected a day prior.

The mass of warm air is coming from the United States, where more than70 million people are under heat advisories or watches on Monday, stretching from the Southwest northward up through Denver and into Chicago.

Is this unusual?

Heat waves are becoming in‐ creasingly extreme as the cli‐ mate warms, experts say. A rapid forecast analysis by Cli‐ mate Central, a U.S.-based research group, estimated that the high temperatur­es in the eastern U.S. forecast for Tuesday to Thursday were made twice as likely due to climate change.

"Human-caused climate change makes the heat sea‐ son start earlier and makes heat waves hotter and more dangerous," said Andrew Per‐ shing, director of climate sci‐ ence at Climate Central.

Areport last month by the same group, along with Wor‐ ld Weather Attributio­n and the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, examined 76 extreme heat waves across 90 countries over a 12-month period starting May 15, 2023.

The report says in that pe‐ riod, 6.3 billion people roughly 78 per cent of the population - experience­d at least 31 days of extreme heat that were "made at least two times more likely due to hu‐ man-caused climate change."

Environmen­t and Climate Change Canada is forecastin­g higher-than-normal tempera‐ tures throughout most of Canada this summer, after the hottest year on record.

How can I stay cool?

Extreme heat is a major health risk, particular­ly for older adults, infants and young children, and people with disabiliti­es or mobility issues. Here are some tips to stay cool:

Drink plenty of water, even before you feel thirsty, to avoid dehydratio­n.

Find a place with air con‐ ditioning to hang out, like a shopping centre, library, community centre, swim‐ ming facility or grocery store. Many cities offer cooling cen‐ tres during periods of ex‐ treme heat.

Be on guard for symp‐ toms of heat-related ill‐ nesses, which include heat stroke, heat exhaustion, heat rash and heat cramps.

Avoid intense or moder‐ ately intense physical activity, especially during 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. All workers should take regularly scheduled breaks in a cool or shaded space.

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