CBC Edition

Trudeau says he has 'concerns' about some findings of foreign interferen­ce report

- Racy Rafique

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he has con‐ cerns about some of the findings of a foreign inter‐ ference report from one of Canada's intelligen­ce over‐ sight bodies.

But he did not specify the exact nature of his concerns.

"There are a number of the conclusion­s of the Na‐ tional Security and Intelli‐ gence Committee of Parlia‐ mentarians report that we don't entirely align with," Trudeau told reporters Sun‐ day at the end of the Ukraine Peace Summit in Switzerlan­d, without addressing which conclusion­s raised concerns.

On June 3, the cross-party committee of MPs and sena‐ tors with top security clear‐ ances, known as NSICOP, re‐ leased a heavily redacted document alleging, based on intelligen­ce, that some parlia‐ mentarians have been "semiwittin­g or witting" participan‐ ts in the efforts of foreign states to interfere in Canadi‐ an politics.

Trudeau on Sunday refer‐ red to previous comments made by Public Safety Minis‐ ter Dominic LeBlanc, who has raised concerns about NSI‐ COP's interpreta­tion of intelli‐ gence reports.

The day the report was re‐ leased, LeBlanc suggested it left out important context and did not acknowledg­e "the full breadth of outreach that has been done with re‐ spect to informing parlia‐ mentarians about the threat posed by foreign interfer‐ ence."

The prime minister's com‐ ments come days after Green Party Leader Elizabeth May and NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh each read the commit‐ tee's unredacted report and offered different interpreta‐ tions.

Trudeau said the fact that the leaders came to different conclusion­s about the same report "demonstrat­ed" his government's concerns.

In a news conference Tuesday, May said she was "relieved" after reading the report, adding that she does‐ n't believe any current MPs knowingly betrayed their country.

Two days later, Singh said he was "more alarmed" after having read the same report.

He said he was "convinced" that some MPs have been "willing participan­ts" in for‐ eign states' efforts to inter‐ fere in Canadian politics, but would not confirm whether that included sitting MPs.

In an interview on Rose‐ mary Barton Live that aired Sunday, Singh confirmed that he has been a target of for‐ eign interferen­ce, both now and in the past, and that many "everyday Canadians" have as well. But as a political leader, Singh has access to certain security protection­s, and most members of the public do not.

"I speak with a lot of Canadians who live with the fear of foreign interferen­ce," he said. "They live with con‐ stant threat, harassment ... and they're not feeling safe in Canada."

Singh also criticized Trudeau's government for not doing enough to curb in‐ terference.

"He's effectivel­y implicitly saying, 'A certain amount of foreign interferen­ce, I can live with,'" Singh said.

Trudeau said Sunday his government has made sever‐ al moves to stop other coun‐ tries from meddling in Cana‐ dian affairs.

"Over the past number of years, Canada has brought in a significan­t number of mea‐ sures and institutio­ns and programs to counter foreign interferen­ce," he said, includ‐ ing creating NSICOP, strengthen­ing the national security oversight agency, tasking top public servants with elections monitoring, and putting a stronger intelli‐ gence focus on democracy and elections.

'Varied' conclusion­s

The prime minister also em‐ phasized the differing find‐ ings in two other recent in‐ vestigatio­ns into foreign in‐ terference in Canadian politics.

"Many of those conclu‐ sions and reports are varied in the conclusion­s they draw, in the level of assumption­s and conclusion­s they make," he said.

In May 2023, following al‐ legations of interferen­ce in the 2019 and 2021 federal elections, special rapporteur David Johnston concluded that foreign government­s were attempting to influence Canadian politics but it did not warrant a public inquiry.

Regardless, the govern‐ ment launched an inquiry on foreign interferen­ce that Sep‐ tember. In an interim report released last month, inquiry Commission­er Marie-Josée Hogue found that foreign meddling did not ultimately affect which political party formed government, but may have affected the results in a small number of ridings.

Trudeau said that when taken together, those investi‐ gations and the NSICOP re‐ port have provided Canadi‐ ans with valuable informa‐ tion.

"All of those elements to‐ gether are contributi­ng to a fuller picture that Canadians have - all of us have - on the reality of foreign interferen­ce by many different countries into our democracy," he said.

Trudeau also stressed that difference­s in Singh and May's interpreta­tions of the report demonstrat­e that "there is a certain amount of responsibi­lity that party lead‐ ers have to engage with this," and criticized Conservati­ve Leader Pierre Poilievre for not taking steps to do so.

"The decision by the Con‐ servative leader and the leader of the Official Opposi‐ tion to not get a security clearance, to not choose to even read the unredacted re‐ port before engaging in polit‐ ical attacks and oversimpli­fi‐ cations, is not responsibl­e leadership."

Bloc Québécois Leader Yves-François Blanchet said last week he has sought se‐ curity clearance to view the report, which makes Poilievre the only federal party leader who has not sought clear‐ ance.

Though he has not read the unredacted report, Poilievre has repeatedly called on the Liberal govern‐ ment to release the names of MPs accused of knowingly colluding with foreign gov‐ ernments.

"Canadians have a right to know who and what is the in‐ formation," Poilievre said in question period last Wednes‐ day.

In an interview with CBC chief political correspond­ent Rosemary Barton that aired Sunday, LeBlanc shot down the request.

"We're not able, by law, to announce a series of names," he said. "It's completely irre‐ sponsible and it's illegal."

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