CBC Edition

'Better than what we hoped to achieve': Calgary water consumptio­n hits new low

- Jim Brown

Calgary Mayor Jyoti Gondek had some good news to share during her daily briefing on the city's water crisis Sunday morn‐ ing. She said residents have been taking action to re‐ duce their consumptio­n.

According to the mayor, consumptio­n on Saturday was lower than on any other day since a catastroph­ic wa‐ ter feeder main break on June 5 cut the city off from 60 per cent of its drinking water supply.

Just 438 million litres were consumed.

"It's better than what we hoped to achieve," Gondek said.

"I cannot thank you enough for taking that call to action seriously."

Sunday's news comes just two days after Gondek made a desperate plea to residents to take water conservati­on more seriously.

On Friday, she said water consumptio­n had been trending up all week and that 480 million litres was used on Thursday, surpassing the sustainabi­lity threshold.

"I am standing here this morning with one message only," she said.

"We must do better." Gondek said that Satur‐ day's reduced water usage leaves the city in good shape when it comes to supply.

"We've got about 634 mil‐ lion litres as of 6 a.m. this morning. That means that we have enough water stored to meet demand and also pro‐ tect ourselves in case of any emergencie­s," she said.

According to figures from the city, the previous low con‐ sumption number was hit on Saturday, June 8, when 440 million litres was consumed. That number began trending up the next day, reaching 457 million litres on Sunday, and kept climbing until Wednes‐ day, when water consump‐ tion peaked at 489 million litres, an amount that was not sustainabl­e with the eliminatio­n of the Bearspaw feeder main, the mayor said.

Also on Sunday, Gondek said the city is investigat­ing some other options for water delivery, including using over‐ land pipes to get water from the Bearspaw reservoir into the parts of the city that need it most.

But she asked for time and patience as city staff col‐ lect informatio­n and examine the feasibilit­y of different de‐ livery systems.

And until backup systems are in place, consumptio­n will need to stay at Satur‐ day's levels, she said.

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