CBC Edition

Mercury poisoning near Grassy Narrows First Nation worsened by ongoing industrial pollution, study suggests

- Sarah Law

A new study from the Uni‐ versity of Western Ontario suggests mercury contami‐ nation in northweste­rn On‐ tario's English-Wabigoon River has been made worse by ongoing industrial pollu‐ tion.

Contaminat­ion of the river system dates back to the 1960s and 70s, when the pulp and paper mill dumped an estimated nine tonnes of mercury into the water.

The mercury has im‐ pacted generation­s of people living in Grassy Narrows First Nation, also known as Asub‐ peeschosee­wagong Netum Anishinabe­k, a community about 150 kilometres from Dryden near the OntarioMan­itoba border, and Wabaseemoo­ng Indepen‐ dent Nation.

However, the new study, published Thursday, has found that discharge of wastewater from the Dryden Paper Mill, combined with ex‐ isting mercury, has created high levels of methylmerc­ury - an even more toxic com‐ pound.

"Other forms of mercury don't accumulate as strongly as methylmerc­ury, but be‐ cause it accumulate­s, it builds up to high levels in or‐ ganisms, presenting that greater risk," said Brian Bran‐ fireun, a biology professor at the University of Western On‐ tario. "It's actually more seri‐ ous than I even imagined."

The experiment was con‐ ducted by masters student Eric Grimm under Branfire‐ un's supervisio­n.

Dianne Loewen, commu‐ nications and engagement co-ordinator for Dryden Fibre Canada, the owner of the Dryden Paper Mill, said in an email to CBC News on Wednesday that she could not comment on the study.

"Dryden Fibre Canada on‐ ly recently acquired the mill from Domtar. We are not in a position to comment as we have not seen, nor have we been briefed on, Dr. Branfire‐ un's report."

Dryden Fibre Canada took over the mill from Domtar in August 2023.

Poison through the food chain

While the wastewater coming from the mill today does not contain mercury, it does con‐ tain high levels of sulfate and organic matter, which "feed the bacteria that produce methylmerc­ury from inor‐ ganic mercury in the environ‐ ment," the study says.

These toxins build up in the river's fish, which are then passed on to the people that consume them.

"The accumulati­on of methylmerc­ury in the human body causes neuromuscu­lar problems and can also lead to death," Branfireun said.

WATCH | Chief says re‐ search confirms communi‐ ty's fears:

Just under 1,000 people live in Grassy Narrows First Nation, and fish are a staple part of the community's diet.

"Most of the families con‐ tinue to fish, they continue to eat the fish. It's something they've done for hundreds of years - you can't really stop them," said Grassy Narrows Chief Rudy Turtle in an inter‐ view with CBC News.

It is estimated that 90 per cent of Grassy Narrows' pop‐ ulation has symptoms of mercury poisoning, which causes problems including tremors, insomnia, memory loss, neuromuscu­lar effects, headaches and cognitive and motor dysfunctio­n.

For years, Turtle has called for the paper mill to be closed and for the river to be cleaned up. The community has also been anxiously awaiting the constructi­on of a Mercury Care Home, for which the federal govern‐ ment signed a funding agreement in 2020.

"We continue to be poi‐ soned," said Turtle, who him‐ self has shared his experi‐ ences with mercury poison‐ ing.

Mercury Care Home constructi­on slated for summer

Anispiraga­s Piragasana­thar, a spokespers­on for Indigenous Services Canada (ISC), provided CBC News an emailed statement about the Mercury Care Home.

Piragasana­thar said the federal government has com‐ mitted: $77M to build the Mer‐ cury Care Home. $68.9M for operations, mainte‐ nance and specialize­d service delivery.

"ISC continues to support Grassy Narrows leadership as they take steps toward re‐ alizing their vision for healthcare delivery in their commu‐ nity through the Mercury Care Home," Piragasana­thar said.

"Together, we have devel‐ oped key constructi­on mile‐ stones to ensure that the Mercury Care Home is built in a timely manner."

Constructi­on is planned to begin by July 1 and take about two to three years to complete.

Turtle said he is pleased with the additional funds the government has committed to the project this year, and that a ceremony will be held in the community once the shovels hit the ground.

No simple solutions

It is possible to remove the methylmerc­ury from the wa‐ ter - but it won't be easy, Branfireun said.

"We are talking about po‐ tentially hundreds of kilome‐ tres of rivers and lakes and wetlands in a very compli‐ cated landscape that is not developed," he said.

While cleaning up the riv‐ er will take substantia­l time and resources, removing the sulfate and organic matter is a more manageable solution for the short-term, Bran‐ fireun said.

"It wouldn't completely solve the mercury problem in fish in this river, but it would dramatical­ly improve it while these other remediatio­n strategies are being imple‐ mented over the next few decades."

Michael Rennie is an asso‐ ciate professor at Lakehead University's biology depart‐ ment, as well as a research fellow at the Internatio­nal In‐ stitute for Sustainabl­e Devel‐ opment (IISD) Experiment­al Lakes Area.

While he was not involved in the methylmerc­ury study, he said he is not surprised by the results.

We are talking about po‐ tentially hundreds of kilometres of rivers and lakes and wetlands in a very complicate­d land‐ scape that is not devel‐ oped. - Brian Branfireun, University of Western Ontario

"It shows a pretty clear role for the impact that the mill has on the system now just from the effluent that's going into it from the current oper‐ ations," Rennie said in an in‐ terview with CBC News.

There are ways to reduce the impact of mill operations on the river, Rennie said, such as settling ponds or new environmen­tal policies, but the level of contamina‐ tion throughout the system means there are no simple solutions.

"I don't think this is say‐ ing, 'Oh my God, we have to close the mill.'

"What I think it's saying is there are likely industrial processes that can be put in

to help reduce sulfate con‐ centration­s that are coming out of that effluent to help reduce organic matter, that will at least not make the problem continue to be worse," he said.

Branfireun is expected to share the study's findings on Thursday morning at the

Earth Sciences Centre in Toronto.

WATCH | Mercury conta‐ mination in river made worse by ongoing industrial pollu‐ tion:

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