CBC Edition

Border unions threaten summer disruption­s after members vote in favour of striking

- Catharine Tunney

The unions representi­ng thousands of border work‐ ers are predicting disrup‐ tions at airports and land crossings this summer af‐ ter most of their Canada

Border Services Agency members voted in favour of strike action.

Customs and Immigratio­n Union (CIU) members of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) voted 96 per cent in favour of striking in a recent vote, according to a statement issued Friday by both unions. CIU said about 70 per cent of its members voted.

The roughly 9,000 af‐ fected workers include those at airports, land entry points, marine ports and commercial ports of entry, inland en‐ forcement officers, intelli‐ gence officers, investigat­ors, trade officers and non-uni‐ formed headquarte­rs staff, said the unions.

CIU president Mark Weber said members are seeking wages more in line with law enforcemen­t agencies like the RCMP, access to telework for members who can work from home, an end to what he calls "arbitrary" discipline and better retirement op‐ tions.

"One of the other big sticking points as well is '25 and out.' Almost all other law enforcemen­t, public safety personnel have the option of retiring after 25 years with‐ out penalty," he said. "That's something that we currently do not have."

Weber said employees are concerned about the growing use of artificial intelligen­ce and reliance on automated kiosks.

"Our members find it wor‐ risome from a national secu‐ rity point of view as well [that] the CBSA seems intent on almost setting up a selfserve kiosk kind of operation in many instances - almost waiting for smugglers to self declare that they're smug‐ gling, which of course is never going to work," he said.

"We've seen CBSA promo‐ tional videos where it's a car that drives up to a border, the traveller rolls down their window, waves their phone at a screen, and drives through."

Strike action could start next month.

The unions and the feder‐ al government met with the Public Interest Commission last month, which is expected to release an independen­t re‐ port with recommenda­tions at the end of the month. Me‐ diation sessions resume June 3.

PSAC-CIU said they will be in a legal strike position after the release of the report.

"As summer travel season nears, we hope the Trudeau Liberal government is making these negotiatio­ns a top pri‐ ority. The window to avert a strike is closing quickly," said PSAC president Chris Ayl‐ ward.

Government calls strike 'unnecessar­y'

The government said it be‐ lieves there's still time to reach an agreement.

"We believe these oppor‐ tunities can provide a clear path to an agreement with‐ out the undue hardship for employees and the public caused by a strike," said the Treasury Board in a state‐ ment.

"We recognize that labour action is a legitimate part of collective bargaining. Em‐ ployees have the right to strike, but at this time it is unnecessar­y."

The government said that in the event of strike action, about 90 per cent of frontline border services employ‐ ees would be deemed essen‐ tial.

"Rather than planning for disruption, PSAC should focus on negotiatio­n so we can reach an agreement as quickly as possible that is fair to employees and taxpayers," said the statement.

Weber said the same number of employees were designated essential during work-to-rule action in 2021, which left travellers and vehi‐ cles idling for nine to 10 hours at some of the coun‐ try's busiest internatio­nal gateways.

"So despite being essenti‐ al, there could be significan­t disruption­s at the border," he said.

"No one wants to strike but unfortunat­ely we've got‐ ten absolutely nowhere with demands that we feel are just about being fair."

During question period on Friday, NDP public safety critic Alistair MacGregor ac‐ cused the government of "turning their backs" on CBSA workers

"The Liberals keep asking more and more of these workers, like cracking down on stolen cars being smug‐ gled out of Canada, but won't give them the resources they need," he said.

"Our CBSA workers de‐ serve better. They deserve a pension, better working con‐ ditions and respect."

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