CBC Edition

Virtual health hub for Sask. residents finds home on Whitecap Dakota First Nation

- Jeremy Warren

A new health centre based in Whitecap Dakota First Nation will offer virtual care to remote and rural communitie­s in Saskatchew­an, and eventu‐ ally across Canada, officials said Thursday.

The $27-million virtual health hub will include teams of physicians, nurses and other health-care workers who can remotely assess pa‐ tients in real-time in their home communitie­s. The Saskatchew­an Indian Insti‐ tute of Technologi­es will help run the hub and train stu‐ dents to staff it.

"The future is coming very quickly. We need not only to deploy the technology, we need to train individual­s who will be using this technology," said Dr. Ivar Mendez, director of the health hub, during a Thursday morning sod-turn‐ ing ceremony at the con‐ struction site in Whitecap Dakota First Nation, about 30 kilometres south of Saska‐ toon.

"In the end we will be able to provide more timely and effective health care, but also more cost-efficient health care. This is what the hub will be. It will be a model for the whole country."

Reduced travel and more immediate access to health care will improve health out‐ comes in under-served areas, said Whitecap Dakota First Nation Chief Darcy Bear.

"Right now, in northern communitie­s, when a First Nations woman has to get an ultrasound, they have to fly into Saskatoon and it takes three days," Bear said. "And they can't even bring their partner. Their partner can't enjoy that moment with them."

Instead, a health-care worker at the hub could re‐ motely operate a robot in a nursing station in a remote community to perform that ultrasound.

"This is not just a project for First Nations communi‐ ties. It's also for all communi‐ ties right across Saskatchew­an," Bear said.

Thirty communitie­s will have access to the hub when it opens, with more expected to be added every year. Grav‐ elbourg in southwest Saskatchew­an is one of the non-northern communitie­s on the list. Eventually, the hub will offer access to com‐ munities outside of Saskatchew­an.

The province is providing $9.1 million in funding and the federal government has committed $18.2 million.

"This is the future of health care, and it will be led by Indigenous communitie­s," said Saskatchew­an Indian In‐ stitute of Technologi­es presi‐ dent and CEO Riel Belle‐ garde.

Mendez said the heart of the building will be a "NASAstyle command centre" that connects the health-care teams to what will eventually be 90 communitie­s across Canada, allowing real-time assessment and testing of patients.

If someone comes into a remote community's nursing station with chest pains, they can connect to health-care workers at the hub who can offer services like an electro‐ cardiogram and other tests, he said.

"A cardiologi­st could listen to their heart and then we make a comprehens­ive as‐ sessment to decide if that pa‐ tient needs to be treated in the community or triaged to one of our healthcare cen‐ tres," Mendez said.

Mendez is a pioneer in this field of medicine, having performed the world's first long distance telementor­ing neurosurge­ry in 2002.

Premier Scott Moe, who also attended Thursday's an‐ nouncement, said this is the first project of its kind in Saskatchew­an and likely the first in Canada. The hub is the result of a lot of planning and collaborat­ion, said Moe.

"This is an opportunit­y for us to be appreciati­ve of a partnershi­p with the federal government," Moe said. "They're one of the many en‐ tities that had to say yes at the same time. It is going to help health-care services be‐ come more accessible."

The hub is slated to open in 2026, with constructi­on beginning this fall.

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