CBC Edition

Crown drops charges against 4 accused in Indigo bookstore vandalism

- Jane Gerster

The Crown has dropped charges against four of the 11 people charged with mischief and criminal ha‐ rassment, which police called "hate-motivated," after an Indigo bookstore was vandalized last fall.

Seven other people are still being prosecuted in con‐ nection with the Nov. 10, 2023, vandalism of the Indigo bookstore at Bay and Bloor streets, which included a number of posters accusing CEO Heather Reisman, who is Jewish, of funding geno‐ cide, while red paint was also splashed across a glass door.

At the time, the Friends of

Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies called it "a vile antisemiti­c attack," while dozens of protesters gath‐ ered outside 52 Division to object to the charges, saying Reisman had been targeted for her political activity and not because she is Jewish.

That point was under‐ scored Wednesday during another protest outside Toronto police headquarte­rs, where activists - as well as one of the accused and an‐ other of the accused's lawyers - called for all charges to be dropped, de‐ scribing them as an attempt to distract from the IsraelHama­s war.

WATCH | Charges aren't warranted, protester says:

"The majority of them were awoken in the middle of the night to upwards of 10 police officers who had broken into their apartments and handcuffed them," Rachel Small, an organizer with World Beyond War, told the gathering.

"Their apartments were raided, ransacked, front doors were left dangling off their hinges, their computers and cellphones were confis‐ cated … and this for what?" Small said.

"It seems clear that police were attempting to put a chill on and to intimidate the rapidly-expanding Palestine solidarity movement six months ago in Toronto."

A spokespers­on for the Toronto police told CBC Toronto that "judicially au‐ thorized search warrants were conducted by TPS on residences and vehicles in Toronto as part of this inves‐ tigation," and that "a warrant to search will only be issued if the author can demon‐ strate that there are reason‐ able grounds to do so."

In a statement shared via Toronto police, the Crown called the case "a complex prosecutio­n" involving 11 people and 30 charges.

"This decision should not be seen as a criticism of the police determinat­ion that there were reasonable grounds for the arrests of these four individual­s," the Crown said.

Activist 'undeterred' af‐ ter charges dropped

Outside police headquarte­rs Wednesday, Karl Gardner identified himself publicly as one of the four people whose charges were dropped on May 17.

"The posters and paint found at Indigo were washed away easily that day, but the impact of the Toronto police's criminaliz­ation will linger for a long time yet," Gardner said.

"I stand here undeterred, as someone who lost all em‐ ployment because of these bogus charges. This has harmed my reputation, my livelihood, my career, my

The executive director of the United Jewish People's Order said the criminal charges are a "mislabelin­g and weaponiz‐ ing [of] antisemiti­sm."

"As Jews, we know calling out companies that support Israeli war crimes is a legiti‐ mate form of protest. Target‐ ing Indigo is not antisemiti­c," said Sarena Salran, who is al‐ so a member of Jews Say No To Genocide, outside police headquarte­rs.

In December, a Toronto police spokespers­on told CBC Toronto the case was being treated as a possible hate crime because "the vic‐ tim was specifical­ly targeted because they are (or are per‐ ceived to be) Jewish, which meets the criteria of an iden‐ tifiable group."

A spokespers­on for Indigo did not immediatel­y return a request for comment from CBC Toronto on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, the Crown said in its statement that it remains "committed to en‐ suring these allegation­s re‐ ceive the resources and at‐ tention deserving of these al‐ leged offences that have had a widespread impact on our community, and the specific complainan­t in this matter."

Toronto police spokesper‐ son Stephanie Sayer said in an emailed statement Wednesday morning that the force "will persist in enforcing hate crime laws and laying charges when justified, en‐ suring the safety and security of our communitie­s."

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