CBC Edition

Key figure in Freedom Convoy argues police, city failed residents at trial

- David Fraser

An Ottawa police officer re‐ sponsible for engaging with protesters attending what became the 2022 Freedom Convoy described crowds that were at times "hos‐ tile" and "confrontat­ional" during the criminal trial of one of the protest's key fig‐ ures, Pat King.

But the officer told the court he didn't know what the Ottawa Police Service's "end game" was until protest‐ ers were entrenched - and only a few days before law enforcemen­t started moving to arrest supporters of the convoy in a major police ac‐ tion on Feb.18, 2022.

King pleaded not guilty to mischief, intimidati­on and seven other charges in rela‐ tion to his role in the protests that gridlocked large swaths of the nation's capital.

During the second week of trial, acting Sgt. Jordan Blonde said a team of police liaison officers acting as a conduit between authoritie­s and protesters tried using a "measured approach" to warn protesters to go.

Police unable to enforce laws

His team was given messag‐ ing to do this from senior of‐ ficers beginning on Feb. 15, the same day Ottawa Police Service former chief Peter Sloly resigned.

Blonde told the court pri‐ or to that date, police officers didn't have any conse‐ quences to detail to protest‐ ers who had chosen to stay in the city - despite state of emergency declaratio­ns by the city, province and, even‐ tually, on Feb. 14, the use of the Emergencie­s Act by the federal government.

He said there was a "myri‐ ad of laws being broken" by people drinking alcohol openly, blocking streets, hav‐ ing open fires and other ille‐ gal activities but admitted to not seeing any tickets issued, arrests made or trucks towed until after the police opera‐ tion began on Feb. 18.

"A great number of things couldn't be enforced. It was a safety issue," he said.

Blonde described how a "great number of people did‐ n't want" to receive notices being distribute­d by him and other officers between Feb. 15 to 17 telling protesters to leave.

During one delivery of fly‐ ers with a message from police, on Feb. 16, he said the "crowd was quite agitated and upset," "very hostile," and "quite confrontat­ional."

He said generally the crowds were not acting this way, but the delivering of that police messaging caused hostility.

On Feb. 17, police again tried delivering a warning to protesters, but they were un‐ able to continue after being surrounded by people screaming and yelling near the intersecti­on of Wellington Avenue and Metcalfe Street.

Blonde said his team of police liaison officers left the area because they just "didn't feel safe," and it was one of only a few times in his experi‐ ence as an officer where he felt his safety was at risk.

He said several protesters were indicating they weren't leaving, and had resolved to be arrested.

Blonde, who never inter‐ acted with King, agreed there were multiple convoys that had travelled to Ottawa to at‐ tend the protests.

He told the court he rec‐ ognized there were several different groups and factions involved in the protests, but considered the broader protest as a whole to be part of the Freedom Convoy.

Crown arguing King used control, influence to break laws

Throughout its submission­s, Crown prosecutor­s have used social media videos and

other evidence to argue King should be found guilty when a judgment is delivered by Superior Court Justice Charles Hackland.

Crown prosecutor­s are ar‐ guing King was a leader of the protest and used his in‐ fluence to counsel others to break the law.

They say he was directly involved in organizing a slow roll at the Ottawa airport and had encouraged others to take part in the crime of mis‐ chief, in part by telling them to continue honking their horns.

King tells supporters to "get to Ottawa" and to "honk those horns, let the heavens hear you" in a Feb. 8 video, one day after the a judge granted an injunction against the use of horns.

Police directed protest‐ ers, failed residents

King's lawyer, Natasha Calv‐ inho, entered as evidence de‐ tailed maps provided by Ot‐ tawa police to protesters on how to navigate the city's core to park in "staging areas" throughout it.

Shared with protesters travelling to the city prior to their late-January arrival, the map directed the trucks downtown and instructed them to keep emergency lanes open, prevent closed trailers from being parked on Wellington Street or near Parliament, and how many types of different vehicles could fit where in Ottawa's core.

Calvinho is trying to demonstrat­e King was not a leader of the Freedom Con‐ voy and protesters, and resi‐ dents, were failed by police and city officials in the midst of a legal protest.

She pointed to a plan, called off by police, to re‐ move trucks from residentia­l areas and closer to the downtown core prior to the police action commencing.

She also argued there was mixed messaging over whether people were able to leave with their vehicles on their own after police started enforcemen­t efforts, and no plans or maps were ever provided to protesters on how best to exit the city.

Blonde agreed with her that police made it difficult for many protesters to leave with their vehicles starting on Feb. 15. But under re-exami‐ nation by prosecutor­s, Blonde confirmed given the situation, vehicles could have been weaponized.

The Public Order Emer‐ gency Commission (POEC) that looked into the federal government's use of the Emergencie­s Act found there were "several deficienci­es" in the failure to how police re‐ sponded. It found there were avoidable communicat­ions failures that "undermined" the Ottawa police's response to the protests.

King told supporters to respect police




Wednesday, Calvinho said it was "all about context" in showing videos of Pat King helping clear emergency lanes, encouragin­g support‐ ers to respect police officers and showing off a quiet downtown Ottawa.

Calvinho introduced videos of King and other pro‐ testers in a more positive light during the protests in January and February 2022.

In a video made on Feb. 16, 2022, King tells a group of protesters encircling police to "leave them alone" because they have a "job to do."

"Do not engage, come on, back off," he yells to a group, who comply and break out into chants of "freedom" and singing, "Oh Canada."

In the same video posted online, King tells the group assembled not to get agi‐ tated by police.

A video from Feb. 7 fea‐ tures King walking down Wellington Street near Parlia‐ ment Hill showing off no horns being honked, telling his roughly 300,000 followers the protesters had given City of Ottawa officials and police an "olive branch."

"We stopped all the honk‐ ing," he says.

The temporary injunction against honking was granted by a Superior Court of Justice the same day the video was made.

King encourages Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to meet with the protesters and not to be a "chicken."

"This was never about a vaccine," he said. "It was al‐ ways about control."

Prosecutor­s are expected to close their submission­s by the end of the week.

The officer who arrested King on Feb. 18 is expected to testify Friday.

King's defence is expected to begin submission­s by call‐ ing Daniel Bulford, a former RCMP officer who was a key figure of the protests, as its first witness.

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