CBC Edition

Return to Monchy, a moment with a casket, stirs emotions as anticipati­on builds over return of N.L. soldier

- Terry Roberts

Even a stout navy veteran like Frank Sullivan was un‐ able to maintain his com‐ posure Thursday following an unexpected chance to pay his respects to an un‐ known Newfoundla­nd sol‐ dier who will soon be repa‐ triated to his native soil.

"To actually go inside and be able to tap the coffin and say, 'you're going home, son.' I can't talk. It's too emotion‐ al," said Sullivan, his voice cracking as he spoke with re‐ porters Thursday morning in the shadow of the New‐ foundland Caribou Memorial in the small French village of Monchy-le-Preux.

Sullivan is a member of the Newfoundla­nd and Labrador command of the Royal Canadian Legion, and is part of a small group of le‐ gionnaires who have been pushing hard for the creation of a tomb of the unknown soldier at the Newfoundla­nd National War Memorial in St. John's.

On Wednesday, a delega‐ tion of more than 100 people from Canada and Newfound‐ land and Labrador arrived in northern France to begin the process of repatriati­ng the solder's remains.

On Thursday morning, Sullivan joined others for a tour of the Commonweal­th War Graves Commission op‐ erations facility and visitor centre just outside the town of Arras.

Guides explained the role of the commission as the steward over the graves of more than 1.7 million sol‐ diers from Commonweal­th countries who have died in various wars. The graves are spread over 150 countries, but nearly 600,000 of them are located in France, which was a deadly battlegrou­nd for two global conflicts, in‐ cluding the First World War.

But Sullivan and a small group of others also had an unexpected honour. The re‐ mains of the Newfoundla­nd soldier were exhumed on May 13, and the casket con‐ taining the remains is being held at the facility. So com‐ mission officials allowed a limited number of people to pay their respects, including Sullivan.

"You get the shivers, you get the shakes and you weep a bit. I'm sure there will a lot more weeping by me and everybody else come July 1," he said.

Premier Andrew Furey, along with his wife Allison and their son, Mark, also paid their respects to the un‐ known soldier.

Furey said a moment of quiet reflection with the casket was a moment he'll never forget.

"These next few days will be very sad, but I also think leads to a degree of closure for many that finally one of ours is coming home. And by extension and in our hearts, everybody who is left behind is also coming home," Furey told reporters after his visit with the unknown soldier.

WATCH | More than 100 people are on the ground in northern France to bring home the remains of an unknown Newfoundla­nd soldier:

A transfer of remains cer‐ emony will be held at the Beaumont-Hamel Newfound‐ land Memorial on Saturday morning, at which time a bearer party from the French military will deliver the casket to a bearer party consisting of modern day members of the Royal Newfoundla­nd Reg‐ iment.

The unknown soldier and the visiting delegation will then board a plane and re‐ turn to St. John's on Saturday evening. The soldier's grave marker, which features the Caribou emblem of the regi‐ ment and the words "Known Unto God" will also be re‐ turned to St. John's.

A lying-in-state will take place at Confederat­ion Build‐ ing from June 28 to June 30, allowing members of the public to visit the casket.

But the big day is July 1, which in addition to Canada Day, is also Memorial Day in Newfoundla­nd and Labrador.

This year's annual Memo‐ rial Day ceremony will also mark the 100th anniversar­y of the unveiling of the Na‐ tional War Memorial in St. John's. The grounds of the memorial are being refur‐ bished in advance of the an‐ niversary. Prior to the memo‐ rial service, the unknown sol‐ dier will be interred inside a new granite burial chamber which has been created at the base of the monument.

Legionnair­es like Sullivan lobbied for the tomb be‐ cause Newfoundla­nd was a self-governing Dominion at the time of the First World War, and did not become a province of Canada until 1949. As a result, Sullivan and others do not feel the sacrifices of so many New‐ foundlande­rs during the 1914-1918 war are represen‐ ted by the National War Memorial in Ottawa, which has a tomb of the unknown soldier containing the re‐ mains of a Canadian soldier who died at Vimy Ridge.

Of the more than 12,000 Newfoundla­nders who served on land, at sea and in the air during the war, more than 1,700 were killed and roughly 800 have no known grave.

No effort will be made to identify the soldier that's being returned to the province because the un‐ known soldier will represent all those who served New‐ foundland and Labrador and especially those who have no known grave.

Meanwhile, Thursday's events in northern France al‐ so included a visit to the Monchy-le-Preux Newfound‐ land Memorial, which is lo‐ cated in the centre of the vil‐ lage of nearly 700 residents. It's one of five caribou memorials erected across northern France and Belgium and are located at sites where the Newfoundla­nd Regiment engaged in signifi‐ cant battles.

At Monchy-le-Preux, the regiment suffered heavy losses in April 1917, but nine members of the regiment, along with another soldier from a British regiment who helped fight off a German counter attack, are still re‐ membered for their efforts to keep the village out of Ger‐ man hands.

The mayor of Monchy-lePreux, Olivier Degauquier, said the sacrifices of New‐ foundland soldiers have not been forgotten and the peo‐ ple of Monchy understand the significan­ce of the promi‐ nent caribou statue in their village.

"Thank you very much Canada, Terre-Neuve and Labrador [that we] can live free in our town," the mayor said in fragmented English. "The liberty is possible with only 10 person. Ten Canadi‐ an, save the village."

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