CBC Edition

Why banning tweens from buying anti-aging products won't stop the Sephora kids

- Natalie Stechyson

Since when did telling tweens what they can and can't do work out, anyway?

A California bill that aimed to ban selling certain anti-ag‐ ing skin-care products to chil‐ dren under age 13 failed to move forward last week, end‐ ing Democratic Assembly‐ member Alex Lee's attempt to combat the so-called Sephora kids trend.

The trend, where kids as young as eight or nine use anti-aging skin-care products purchased from beauty re‐ tailers such as Sephora, has been dividing parents, der‐ matologist­s, retailers and so‐ cial media.

Millions of people have watched and shared videos condemning it, and derma‐ tologists have warned that some of these products aren't meant for pediatric skin. But with the bill's fail‐ ure, and Generation Alpha continuing to drive skin-care sales in North America, some youth and media experts say a product ban was never the answer.

Not when there are 11.9 million "get ready with me" videos on TikTok, and Gen Alpha influencer­s showing off their skin-care routines and "hauls" on videos with mil‐ lions of views and comments.

Meanwhile, the global beauty industry made $430 billion US in revenue in 2022, with skin care making up the lion's share, according to a 2023 report by consulting firm McKinsey & Company.

The real issue is capital‐ ism, and the drive to get kids to consume as much as pos‐ sible, said Shauna Pomeran‐ tz, a professor of child and youth studies at Brock Uni‐ versity. And the more beauty trends that exist on social media, the more kids will buy, she added.

"Kids will simply find oth‐ er ways to get it," Pomerantz told CBC News.

WATCH | Breaking down the Sephora kids trend:

The products aren't the problem: industry group

Shana MacDonald, an as‐ sociate professor in commu‐ nication arts at the University of Waterloo, says the prob‐ lem lies more with social media.

"Young girls have always been interested in skin care and in makeup products. It's just that at this current mo‐ ment, that's being furthered by the social media machine - that means the stakes are higher," MacDonald said.

California's Bill AB 2491 would have banned the sale of over-the-counter skin-care or cosmetic products to kids under age 13 that contain ei‐ ther Vitamin A and its deriva‐ tives (such as retinoids and retinol), or an alpha hydroxy acid, including glycolic acid, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) or citric acid.

These ingredient­s, which can boost cell turnover and help reduce fine lines, can al‐ so irritate skin, causing red‐ ness, itching and dryness, and potentiall­y lead to topi‐ cal dermatitis and eczema, according to a news release about the bill from Lee's of‐ fice. Children also have more sensitive skin than adults, it noted.

The problem is that social media pressures kids to use the the products inappropri‐ ately, the Personal Care Pro‐ ducts Council (PCPC) said in a news release at the end of April.

The PCPC is a U.S. nation‐ al trade associatio­n repre‐ senting over 600 companies including Sephora's parent company, LVMH.

"Every ingredient targeted by this bill is safe when used as directed at the appropri‐ ate age," it said.

"Trends come and go ... but the underlying motiva‐ tion for following trends re‐ main largely the same," said Michelle Chen, assistant pro‐ fessor in the communicat­ion, pop culture and film depart‐ ment, also at Brock Univer‐ sity.

"People follow trends be‐ cause of their desire for soci‐ al validation by their peers."

Tweens are especially sus‐ ceptible because they're starting to carve out their identity, she said.

And while there is a trend toward selling skin-care pro‐ ducts to boys, it's mostly girls and women targeted by the beauty industry, where there's a "hyper-sexist cul‐ ture and gender double stan‐ dard," Pomerantz said.

Gen Alpha driving beauty sales, and some brands are on board

Canadian beauty industry sales rose 18 per cent in the first nine months of 2023, ac‐ cording to global analytics firm Circana. And the firm said Gen Alpha will likely dri‐ ve growth for "years to come."

"Social media content no doubt sways Gen Alpha," said beauty director and industry analyst Jennifer Famiano in a May 14 post.

"It's a game in which the consumer is looking purely at aesthetics, with the measure of success being an enviable 'shelfie' for their 'get ready with me' video showing off their collection."

Others have argued that brands like Drunk Elephant, considered a status symbol among tweens, aren't helping, with their colourful packaging and cute names, like the "Itty Bitty Midi Com‐ mittee Acid Kit."

In a social media post last December, Drunk Elephant offered up a list of product recommenda­tions for chil‐ dren, including a $92 bottle of Virgin Marula Luxury Face Oil. The product says it treats issues like fine lines and un‐ even texture.

"None of this is appropri‐ ate for children," a user wrote in the comments, one of many.

Drunk Elephant makes products for all ages, and everyone just needs to be clear on which products are appropriat­e for whom, founder Tiffany Masterson said in an Instagram video in December.

"It's great because ... they're learning how to take care of their skin. My guess is their skin is going to look bet‐ ter than a lot of other peo‐ ple's skin," she said in the video.

Drunk Elephant is market‐ ing directly to a younger de‐ mographic, Pomerantz said, getting children and parents to fork over "enormous amounts of money for the privilege of the brand."

"This brand, more than any other, has made skin care a thing for kids," she said.

Most tweens and teens only need to use a gentle cleanser, a moisturize­r and sunscreen, Halifax dermatol‐ ogist Natalie Cunningham previously told CBC News.

WATCH | How social media harms girls' mental health:

So what's the answer? Kids have followed trends to gain acceptance from their peers long before social media, Chen points out.

After all, in the 1990s, kids exfoliated layers of skin off their faces with apricot scrubs and smeared them‐ selves with benzoyl peroxide zit creams so strong they bleached their pillowcase­s.

The difference is that soci‐ al media creates more pres‐ sure, Chen said, where inter‐ actions are a form of social currency.

Meanwhile, influencer cul‐ ture has normalized using luxury products, like hun‐

dred-dollar skin creams, Mac‐ Donald said. So some of the responsibi­lity lies with fami‐ lies to have conversati­ons with kids about what's appro‐ priate for young skin, and being able to recognize that a lot of what they see online is marketing.

But the onus is also on the skin-care industry itself, Pomerantz said.

"For as long as marketers have preyed on the insecuri‐ ties of girls and women, they have purchased beauty pro‐ ducts," she said.

"The skin-care industry should take greater responsi‐ bility to ensure their products are not marketed in a way that signals they are for kids."

In the meantime, Gen Alpha influencer­s continue to build followings online with their hauls and routines.

"Sephora haul!" says a child who pronounces it "Sephowa" in a video with 1.2 million views, before dabbing a night cream containing alpha hydroxy acids - meant for smoothing fine lines - on her cheeks and forehead.

WATCH | Media literacy and self-image tips for kids:

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