CBC Edition

Woman gets citizenshi­p back after IRCC revokes it over 'error'

- Olivia Bowden

An Ajax woman has offi‐ cially become a Canadian citizen - for the second time - after the federal gov‐ ernment cancelled her citi‐ zenship earlier this month.

CBC Toronto previously reported on the federal gov‐ ernment threatenin­g to re‐ voke Arielle Townsend's citi‐ zenship and its subsequent decision to cancel it in early May. Townsend's ordeal be‐ gan when the department said her mother may not have been a Canadian citizen when Townsend was born in Jamaica.

Townsend, 32, said when she received the notice that her citizenshi­p applicatio­n was approved last week by Immigratio­n, Refugees and Citizenshi­p Canada, she felt like a weight had been lifted.

"I immediatel­y started cry‐ ing," she said. "It was such a relief to finally get that done and to have my citizenshi­p restored."

Townsend was invited to take her citizenshi­p oath on May 17 and will receive her new citizenshi­p card in the mail and electronic­ally - she's made a point to get two ver‐ sions in case, she said.

But she says she's still an‐ gry she had to go through months of stress and uncer‐ tainty, including having to be placed on paid leave at work, after losing her citizenshi­p.

"I don't think anyone ever deserves to experience something like this. This was so earth-shattering for me," she said.

Citizenshi­p cancelled af‐ ter 32 years

Townsend said she never thought to question her citi‐ zenship, as immigratio­n offi‐ cials issued her a citizenshi­p card in 1992 when she was less than a year old.

Her status came into question in September, when the department said it had examined its records and found Townsend's mother may not have been a Canadi‐ an citizen when Townsend was born.

In response, Townsend and her lawyers say they provided the government with all the facts, arguing Townsend's mother was a cit‐ izen when Townsend was born as she was issued a citi‐ zenship card in July 1991, months before Townsend's birth, which her mother swore to in a signed affidavit.

It took another five mon‐ ths for the IRCC to respond in early May. When it did, it said while a citizenshi­p card was created for her mother in 1991, she did not take her cit‐ izenship oath until a few months after Townsend was born.

Townsend's mother said in her affidavit that she asked a citizenshi­p officer what she needed to do to get her in‐ fant status in Canada - and was assured her daughter was already a citizen.

The IRCC said in an email to Townsend's lawyer that "there was a clear error in the issuance of Arielle

Townsend's Canadian citizen‐ ship certificat­e," but argued there was no provision for discretion.

That meant Townsend had to apply to become a cit‐ izen, which cost her over $600.

'I've already lived out the oath'

Affirming the oath last week felt bizarre, Townsend said.

"It was kind of comical be‐ cause here I was at 32 years old, been in Canada my whole life, grew up singing the anthem...going through my whole life as a Canadian but now having to swear the oath," she said. "I've already lived out the oath."

She said she celebrated her reclaimed status on the long weekend with family. But the process has taught her a lot about the need to advocate for herself, she said.

"This whole process, re‐ voking someone's citizenshi­p after they built their whole life in a country is immoral... The immigratio­n system real‐ ly needs to be looked at," she said.

In a statement to CBC Toronto, the IRCC said it could not comment on indi‐ vidual cases "due to privacy legislatio­n."



Townsend's lawyer, said she should have been given citi‐ zenship right away.

He said he is hoping the government will reimburse Townsend for the money she's spent on getting her cit‐ izenship back.

"She shouldn't have been left hanging that long," he said. "This kind of delay...ig‐ nores the humanity and treats people as objects. The system has to do better."

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