CBC Edition

Hours on hold and endless queues: Canadians still grappling with poor passport service

- John Paul Tasker

Canadians routinely wait hours on the phone and in person when dealing with Passport Canada, leaving many travellers infuriated by the quality of the agen‐ cy's customer service.

Post-COVID chaos at pass‐ port offices prompted the federal government to step up and promise a series of changes to get the documen‐ ts into travellers' hands in a timely manner.

Passport Canada claims that after a prolonged period of pandemic-related delays, the agency has returned to its normal "service standard" of getting passports to most people in 10 or 20 business days, depending on where an applicatio­n is initially filed.

But the agency's service standard makes no promises about how quickly they will serve people in person or over the phone.

Data and anecdotal re‐ ports suggest Passport Canada's customer service track record is poor.

A CBC News analysis of passport office wait times shows people in urban cen‐ tres often wait several hours to get face-to-face with a cus‐ tomer service agent at Pass‐ port Canada-branded offices.

On a weekday morning in mid-March, for example, Passport Canada's website estimated the wait time at its west-end Ottawa location at 2 hours and 45 minutes.

In downtown Toronto that month, would-be passport holders faced a three-hour wait to get to the front of the line before noon.

The wait times in late April were much the same: people in Mississaug­a, Ont. were being told then they'd have to wait about 2 hours and 45 minutes to be served if they were on site at 9:30 a.m. There was a bright spot in Halifax - there the wait was only an hour.

On Monday, prospectiv­e passport holders in Bramp‐ ton, Ont. faced a nearly three-hour wait shortly after that city's office opened, ac‐ cording to Passport Canada data published online.

At Calgary's Sunpark Drive location, travellers were told it would be at least three hours before they could speak to somebody after it opened its doors for the day, online data shows.

More than 12 hours on hold

Debbie Braun is a retiree who lives in High River, Alta., less than an hour south of Calgary.

She told CBC News that the prospect of those long inperson wait times led her to skip the drive into the city and send her passport appli‐ cation by mail in February.

And given Passport Canada's commitment to process the vast majority of mail-in applicatio­ns "within 20 days," Braun thought she'd have her hands on a re‐ newed passport well before her Mexican vacation in April.

In the end, it took twice as long. Braun said she got her passport in 40 days - and on‐ ly after a bureaucrat­ic battle with multiple phone calls and more than 12 hours spent on hold.

It was the same time frame for Braun's daughter, who filed separately by mail from northern Alberta.

That's despite Passport Canada's commitment that 90 per cent of all mail-in ap‐ plications will be processed within 20 days.

The agency routinely blows past that target.

Government data from 2022-23 reveals Passport Canada only met that 20-day processing target 52 per cent of the time.

In 2023-24, it was meeting that target 90 per cent of the time - a big improvemen­t.

But unlike other govern‐ ment programs, the passport service has no service stan‐ dard for answering the phone or attending to cus‐ tomers in person.

Employment and Social Developmen­t Canada (ESDC) has committed to answering all Canada Apprentice Loansrelat­ed phone calls within 20 seconds for most callers - a standard it met about 99 per cent of the time last year.

ESDC has said most Ser‐ vice Canada clients should be served within 25 minutes of arrival, a target the agency reached 78 per cent of the time in 2022-23.

Andrew Griffith is a former director general at

Immigratio­n, Refugees and Citizenshi­p Canada (IRCC) who also worked at Service Canada and on passport files during his long tenure in gov‐ ernment.

He said government needs to improve the cus‐ tomer service for prospectiv­e passport holders.

"The wait times are exces‐ sive. Nobody leaves happy if they have to wait three hours in person or on the phone," he told CBC News.

"They either need to staff up or find other ways to re‐ duce the time lag. I think, from a service point of view, it's really problemati­c and it's the kind of thing that under‐ mines the faith of people in government institutio­ns."

WATCH: This is what your next passport will look like

While they've promised the option in the past, the government doesn't yet allow Canadians to apply for a passport online.

Immigratio­n Minister Marc Miller has said "system vulnerabil­ities" have preven‐ ted Ottawa from fulfilling that commitment. "It's not secure," he told reporters in February.

People can only fill out the required forms on the com‐ puter. Applicants still have to print them out and send them by mail for processing, or submit them in person.

That's what Braun did but then she wanted to use the government's online ap‐ plication status tracker to keep tabs on her progress.

The federal government launched the tracker after the chaos of 2022-23, billing it as a big fix to prevent fu‐ ture passport pileups.

But Braun soon discov‐ ered she needed a file num‐ ber to log in. She said she had to call to get that infor‐ mation because the online file number generator was "useless" and never gave her one after days of failed at‐ tempts.

That's when the trouble started.

'Who has time for that?'

"That first morning I called, there were 376 calls ahead of me in the queue," she told CBC News. "I had no choice - I had to sit there and wait."

Passport Canada had somehow affixed an old mail‐ ing address to her file. Braun filled out the right address when she sent it in, she said, and she has a copy of the ap‐ plication to prove it.

Each time she dialled through, she said, she was faced with a wall of other callers in front of her.

Later in February, she was number 352 on the line to speak to an operator.

WATCH: Federal govern‐ ment announces online passport status tracker

In March, 377 people were ahead of her on the phone. On another March call, she was caller number 367.

On her last and final call that month, there were more than 500 callers ahead of her on hold, she said.

"I mean, who has time for that? Five hundred calls?" Braun said.

Braun said her average wait time to get an agent on the line was two hours and 40 minutes.

"How can somebody at an office sit on hold for two and a half hours?" she said.

Braun described some of the operators as "quite rude" and argumentat­ive, adding they blamed her for an ad‐ dress error that was really their fault.

"I worked for Greyhound Canada for 35 years and if I would've done what Passport Canada does to the people calling in, I would have been fired," she said. "It just angers me and it leaves a bad taste in your mouth, you know?"

She said that while the government has "bragged" about its changes to the passport program, it has nothing to boast about.

"They just tell the people what they want to hear - 'Oh, we've fixed everything' - and the systems they put in place to improve things aren't ade‐ quate because they don't think it through," she said.

40 days to get a pass‐ port

No one federal depart‐ ment is responsibl­e for the passport program.

That's a problem, Griffith said, because nobody wants to take ownership of a vital service that touches so many Canadians personally.

In 2023, after the passport fiasco, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau created a new cab‐ inet position called "citizens' services," with a minister re‐ sponsible for "serving as our government's champion for service delivery excellence."

Trudeau's mandate letter to the minister, Terry Beech, said he should focus on "de‐ livering services where and when Canadians need them" and deal with "service deliv‐ ery challenges" on passports.

A spokespers­on for Beech said he was not available for an interview.

Griffith said Beech's ap‐ pointment was political - an attempt to show people the government cares about wait times. But the minister does not seem to have the power to push through any real change, he added.

"I never really thought the ministeria­l role was a mean‐ ingful position," he said. "I don't think it needs a minis‐ ter unless you're really going to revamp government. You never see Beech, he's not very active."

IRCC, which is taking the lead on introducin­g online passport applicatio­ns, said in a media statement that it "re‐ mains committed" to the concept but didn't offer a timeline for a rollout.

ESDC, which is responsi‐ ble for managing the pass‐ port program on behalf of IR‐ CC, told CBC News that it sometimes "experience­s in‐ creased demand on a sea‐ sonal basis as popular travel times approach."

As for long call centre wait times, the department said time spent on hold "can vary and some clients may experi‐ ence either longer or shorter hold times."

The department says it encourages people to use the online status tracker to "get updates on their applica‐ tions without needing to call or visit Service Canada."

"Service Canada remains committed to service excel‐ lence and improving the ex‐ perience for clients applying for passports," the depart‐ ment said.

Braun, meanwhile, said her experience left her with little faith in government's ability to deliver.

"I followed the rules, I did what I was supposed to do and then you have to go through the nightmare and you get upset," Braun said.

"It's a good thing I did the 10-year passport thing be‐ cause I don't think I could go through this again in five years."

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