CBC Edition

Border officers relied on outdated intel to decide whether to search incoming vessels, audit warns

- Catharine Tunney

The risk assessment­s bor‐ der officers have used for years to decide whether vessels entering Canadian waters should be searched have been based on out‐ dated and inaccurate data, increasing the risk of highrisk goods and inadmissi‐ ble people slipping into the country, a recently re‐ leased audit says.

"Due to system limita‐ tions, the [Canada Border Services Agency] may not have a complete record of all individual­s entering the country via marine ports," says the audit, posted online last week.

The review examined how the CBSA's national targeting centre identified people and goods bound for Canada that might have posed a threat between April 1, 2020 and March 31, 2022.

According to the audit, the national targeting centre re‐ lies on risk assessment­s to determine if vessels that could be used for illegal ac‐ tivities, such as smuggling or illegal migration, need to be flagged for examinatio­n.

Daniel Anson, the director general of CBSA's intelligen­ce and investigat­ions direc‐ torate, said high-risk cargo could include precursor chemicals used to make syn‐ thetic opioids and other illicit drugs.

"Precursor chemicals are obviously top of mind, given the sad and tragic death rates that we're seeing," he said in an interview.

Border officers posted to Canada's ports are also on the lookout for potential Canadian Food Inspection Agency violations, like para‐ sitic barnacles underneath a ship, he said.

The targeting centre is al‐ so meant to use its risk-as‐ sessment training to deter‐ mine if crew members are admissible.

Anson said sometimes crew members lack docu‐ mentation or try to use fraudulent documents. Sometimes they're inadmissi‐ ble because they're from countries under sanctions and in rare cases, he said, a crew member poses a na‐ tional security concern.

CBSA may fail to identify inadmissib­le goods: audit

But according to the audit, the indicators and intelli‐ gence officers relied on be‐ tween April 1, 2020 and March 31, 2022 to decide whether cargo and crew needed to be searched was outdated. Referrals were also hampered by "the prohibitiv­e cost of examinatio­ns," says the audit.

"The CBSA's marine mode targeting methodolog­y and processes rely on legacy sys‐ tems and outdated proce‐ dures to risk-assess cargo, vessels and crew," said the audit.

"This results in sustained operationa­l inefficien­cies, performanc­e results that fail to meet target rates, and ulti‐ mately places the agency at increased risk of allowing in‐ admissible people and goods into Canada."

The audit warns that "high-risk shipments may be authorized to move, while lower-risk shipments may be referred for examinatio­n."

"As a result, the CBSA may fail to identify inadmissib­le commercial goods," it said.

The audit said data from cargo shipping companies on crew members is not re‐ ceived in a consistent format and must be manually en‐ tered, "which increases the risk that the agency may not identify high-risk individual­s and vessels."

The audit also looked at how CBSA intelligen­ce, in ad‐ dition to informatio­n gath‐ ered by domestic and foreign enforcemen­t partners, is used to target suspect cargo and crew at ports.

Targeting officers told au‐ ditors they were concerned about intelligen­ce arriving too late to be applicable, and about a lack of intelligen­ce "on higher-level trends and threats."

The audit concludes that CBSA management is "aware of the challenges that exist."

"However, the audit has found little evidence demon‐ strating that coordinate­d leadership and prioritize­d ac‐ tions have been taken to ad‐ dress and resolve them," it said.

The audit makes four main recommenda­tions. It says marine and cargo tar‐ geting practices should focus on the highest risk shipments and the CBSA should estab‐ lish a process to update tar‐ geting risk indicators more regularly.

CBSA says it's moderniz‐ ing its systems post-au‐ dit

Anson said the audit made it clear what the CBSA needs to do.

"The audit is diligent in saying, 'You're not perfect,'" he said. "And we're focusing, we accept those and we're trying to prioritize modern‐ ization of our systems."

Anson said the CBSA is looking into adding more da‐ ta analytics and training.

"People will always work to exploit gaps," he said.

Rick Savage, First Nation vice-president for the Cus‐ toms and Immigratio­n Union, said over the years regional expertise has sometimes been overlooked by national headquarte­rs.

He was glad to see the au‐ dit recommend better inte‐ gration of intelligen­ce ac‐ quired by CBSA officers in the regions.

"They know the area. So they would know, for exam‐ ple, if an address the ship‐ ping container is going to is not really in a business area," he said.

"Somebody in Ontario, at the national headquarte­rs in Ottawa, would not necessar‐ ily know by looking at an ad‐ dress that 'Wait a second, that's a residentia­l area.'"

Calvin Chrustie, a former RCMP superinten­dent who now works for a private risk management firm, said he would have liked to see the audit go harder on the need for technology to monitor Canada's marine domains, in‐ cluding the Arctic.

"More money and more resources won't solve all na‐ tional security issues but technology can support," said Chrustie, a partner with the Critical Risk Team.

"These tools should be considered by all Canadian security entities, including the military, intel [and] police, to ensure national and global interopera­bility with all part‐ ners. This is the only way to counter foreign threats in the marine domain and is an im‐ portant tool to mitigate illicit trade in Canada."

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