CBC Edition

As polar bears enter peak feeding season, experts offer tips on how to avoid meeting them in the wild

- Elizabeth Whitten

With climate change caus‐ ing more polar bear en‐ counters, one expert has advice on how to decrease the odds of coming into contact with the animal.

Duane Collins is a certified polar bear guard, someone who has training to detect polar bears as well as moni‐ tor areas for possible activity. He says one of the public's biggest misconcept­ions is that polar bears hunt hu‐ mans.

"Like most wild animals, a polar bear simply wants to be left alone," Collins told

CBC News in a recent inter‐ view. "Probably the best ad‐ vice for living in and around polar bear country is leaving them alone."

While it's true they are po‐ tentially dangerous animals, he said humans aren't a nat‐ ural part of their diet. In‐ stead, they have a very spe‐ cialized carnivorou­s diet, 90 per cent of which is seal.

LISTEN | Polar bear guard Duane Collins says the best way to co-exist with polar bears is to avoid them:

Collins, who also owns outdoor tourism company Hare Bay Adventures, ad‐ vised people to avoid areas where there are reported po‐ lar bear sightings. When po‐ lar bears are on land, he said they can be "opportunis­tic."

He said there is a lot peo‐ ple can do as individual­s and communitie­s to reduce en‐ countering the animals, in‐ cluding making sure garbage is stored securely and mak‐ ing sure the scent from garbage isn't "wafting across the landscape of a polar bear."

"It literally goes nose first through the universe," Collins said, describing the animal's acute sense of smell.

He said anything people can do to cut down on smells is beneficial to keeping polar bears away, like cleaning out a barbecue or not keeping pet food outdoors.

As for how the bears ar‐ rive in the communitie­s, it's usually related to sea ice pat‐

terns. However, Andrew De‐ rocher, University of Alberta professor of biological sci‐ ences, said climate change's impact on sea ice is causing polar bear sightings to rise.

Derocher, who has studied polar bears for 40 years, said their Arctic habitat is warming faster than other parts of the world.

"Sea ice is melting earlier in the springtime and forming later in the autumn," said Derocher.

This means polar bears are pushed off sea ice earlier in the spring, move onto land, and then don't head out until later in the autumn, he explained.

"During this on-land peri‐ od is when the bears are coming into conflict with peo‐ ple."

That lengthier on-land pe‐ riod poses a lot of biological risks.

For every day the polar bears are on land and not feeding, Derocher said, they use up one kilogram of body weight. He said if the ice-free period is four months long, a bear uses up about 120 kilo‐ grams of body weight. While some bears will be able to lose that much weight, oth‐ ers don't have that "stored energy" and will be the ones who come closer to commu‐ nities and dumps.

"It doesn't matter where you are in polar bear range, we're seeing far more polar bears coming into communi‐ ties, coming into peoples' cabins or camps. And these are usually food-stressed ani‐ mals," said Derocher.

Derocher said sea ice formed late in some areas this year and polar bears are now entering their peak feed‐ ing season, which can last until June and dictates how fat the bears will get.

"And if they're not fat, then we'll see a lot more bears around communitie­s," Derocher said.

These hungry animals are often the ones who became dangerous to humans, De‐ rocher added, because they can become predatory.

That's why polar bear guard Duane Collins said he always emphasizes that peo‐ ple should not go near these creatures.

"If you can at all, avoid it. Never go out, even if you are armed to confront a bear, unless it's absolutely neces‐ sary."

He also said Newfound‐ land and Labrador's polar bear population is "robust."

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