CBC Edition

Jagmeet Singh confirms NDP wants national contracept­ion coverage

- David Thurton

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh confirmed for the first time Friday that New De‐ mocrats are pushing the federal government to fund contracept­ion cover‐ age.

The NDP leader was in British Columbia, where the province's NDP government already funds birth control and other forms of contracep‐ tion through a single-payer model.

The Manitoba NDP, which recently formed government in that province, campaigned on covering contracept­ion. The Ontario Progressiv­e Con‐ servative government has shown a willingnes­s same.

The federal NDP is negoti‐ ating the introducti­on of a na‐ tional pharmacare program with the federal government. Getting provinces and territo‐ ries to opt would be key to such a program, since health falls under provincial and ter‐ ritorial jurisdicti­on.

"If we can do that in B.C., we should be able to do this across the country," Singh said. "This can be a step for‐ ward in showing that we can actually achieve universal cov‐ erage."

New Democrats are calling for coverage of contracept­ion in their pharmacare talks with the Liberals, Singh said. to do the

"We're getting very close to a final position, and when we submit our final position on this, that will be it," Singh told a news conference Friday in Port Coquitlam, B.C.

Singh said his party wants coverage for prescripti­on con‐ traception, intrauteri­ne de‐ vices and emergency contra‐ ception.

"This is about ensuring that we don't just say people have a right to do whatever they want with their bodies … That we back that up with a concrete step tearing down the barrier that prevents some from accessing contra‐ ception," he said.

Singh also said contracep‐ tion coverage would be a "prudent" first step, given that some in government have balked at the cost of ful‐ ly implementi­ng universal single-payer pharmacare.

In 2019, a federal advisory council led by former Ontario health minister Eric Hoskins estimated that universal, single-payer public pharma‐ care would cost the federal government $3.5 billion annu‐ ally if it started by covering es‐ sential medicines. The report found that fully implementi­ng comprehens­ive coverage would cost $15.3 billion.

Singh's Friday news con‐ ference confirmed reports that until now had been at‐ tributed to unnamed sources within the NDP and govern‐ ment.

Those sources with direct knowledge of the talks, who aren't authorized to speak publicly, told CBC the govern‐ ment is considerin­g covering not only birth control but dia‐ betes drugs as well.

Discussion­s between the two parties are ongoing and the wording of the proposed pharmacare legislatio­n has yet to be finalized.

The introducti­on of a phar‐ macare bill was a condition the NDP set when it joined the federal Liberals in a sup‐ ply-and-confidence agreement in 2022.

The agreement sees New Democrats support the mi‐ nority government on key votes in the House of Com‐ mons to stave off an early election in exchange for movement on NDP policy pri‐ orities.

Singh warns Liberals not to 'break the agree‐ ment'

The deal is slated to last until 2025, but the shape of phar‐ macare legislatio­n is a sticking point between the two par‐ ties.

The original supply-andconfide­nce agreement stipu‐ lated that legislatio­n would have to be introduced by the end of 2023. That deadline was extended to March of this year as the parties tried to hammer out the details.

Singh said once again on Friday that if the Liberals miss another deadline, the deal would be considered broken. He added that doesn't mean the Liberal government would immediatel­y fall.

"So we put it really clearly that if the Liberals break the agreement, the agreement would be broken," Singh said. "They would have broken their promise, and we will walk away then."

This isn't the first time Singh has threatened to pull out of the agreement if the Liberals don't meet expecta‐ tions. The agreement also called for a dental program for mid- to low-income Cana‐ dians. When negotiatio­ns on dental care were dragging, Singh also threatened to pull support.

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