CBC Edition

Ottawa floats new options for electricit­y rules that drew ire of Alberta and Saskatchew­an

- Joel Dryden

The federal government is considerin­g significan­t up‐ dates to its proposed regu‐ lations aimed at reducing emissions from electricit­y generation to net-zero.

The move comes after months of consultati­ons with

Canadians, the government said, but also follows strong opposition from politician­s in Alberta and Saskatchew­an.

A draft version of the Clean Electricit­y Regulation­s was initially released last Au‐ gust. The regulation­s function as a set of rules for transition‐ ing Canada's electricit­y grid to net-zero starting in 2035.

Environmen­t and Climate Change Minister Steven Guil‐ beault told CBC News it was always the goal to strike the right balance when it came to the first set of draft regula‐ tions.

But Ottawa remained open to comments from provinces and experts, he said, adding the revisions weren't precipitat­ed solely due to pushback in Alberta and Saskatchew­an.

"I wouldn't say that the options that we're proposing in today's document are the result of the actions or com‐ ments of one particular juris‐ diction over others," he said.

"I mean, we've held webi‐ nars with more than 500 peo‐ ple, we've had 75 different bi‐ lateral meetings, 18,000 sub‐ missions were made. So what we're putting out today is a result of everything we've heard, and not one particular company, individual or even province."

Last November, Alberta in‐ voked its Sovereignt­y Act for the first time over the draft regulation­s. Alberta Premier Danielle Smith called the 2035 target unachievab­le. Guil‐ beault has also referenced the 2035 date as a deadline.

Yet, under the prior draft regulation­s, exceptions would have allowed for significan­t amounts of emissions from electricit­y generation into the 2040s, and even into 2050 and beyond.

But even with those provi‐ sions, Alberta had concerns.

Unlike most of the rest of the country, Alberta gets most of its electricit­y from natural gas. Prominent Alber‐ ta economists like Andrew Leach and Blake Shaffer ar‐ gued Ottawa would need to be flexible in developing the electricit­y regulation­s given Alberta's unique makeup.

WATCH | Alberta in‐ voked Sovereignt­y Act over

net-zero electricit­y grid regulation­s:

In January, Jonathan Wilkinson, the federal minis‐ ter of natural resources and energy, also told the CBC's Aaron Wherry that he didn't feel as though Alberta was questionin­g the need to green its grid, just the pace of doing so.

"We probably have a view that it can go faster. And so we've been trying to actually understand and look at how we might be able to address some of their specific con‐ cerns," Wilkinson said at the time.

"Hopefully, when we get to [finalizing the regulation­s], Al‐ berta will see that we have re‐ flected seriously on some of the things that they have brought up."

In November, the Saskatchew­an government al‐ so said it would use its Saskatchew­an First Act for the first time to establish a tri‐ bunal to study the economic effects of the proposed regu‐ lations.

'No meaningful correc‐ tions': Alberta minister

In a statement sent to CBC News on Friday afternoon, Rebecca Schulz, Alberta's min‐ ister of environmen­t and pro‐ tected areas, wrote that the update made "no meaningful correction­s to the most de‐ structive piece of Canadian electricit­y regulation in decades."

"[Guilbeault] is still pushing emissions targets that are not feasible or realistic for 2035. The federal government is still proposing to violate Canada's constituti­on," Schulz wrote.

"Electricit­y is clearly within provincial jurisdicti­on."

The federal timeline jeop‐ ardizes reliabilit­y and afford‐ ability of power in the province, she added, insisting tweaks won't fix strategy and calling for it to be "scrapped entirely."

Dustin Duncan, Saskatchew­an's minister re‐ sponsible for Crown corpora‐ tions, including SaskPower, wrote in a statement to CBC News that the announceme­nt from the federal government was "an admission that the proposed Clean Electricit­y Regulation­s are unaffordab­le and technicall­y and logistical­ly unattainab­le."

"No tweaks or adjustmen‐ ts can adequately address the fundamenta­l flaws in these regulation­s. The stacking on of additional federal regula‐ tions in this area of exclusive provincial jurisdicti­on is nei‐ ther helpful nor necessary," Duncan wrote.

"We continue to call on the federal government to ac‐ knowledge, and come to the table with funding to support, Saskatchew­an's plan to achieve net-zero electricit­y generation by 2050 in a way that builds and protects Saskatchew­an's economy while ensuring the continued viability of our power grid and publicly owned Crown utility for generation­s to come."

Political analyst Lori Williams of Calgary's Mount Royal University said it isn't quite accurate for Alberta's minister to say there has been no meaningful change.

Williams sees the remarks as a political part of a public negotiatio­n, adding that what happens behind the scenes between government­s might look rather different.

"It's politics, and they're trying to push for more in the way of compromise," Williams said.

"In fact, they're saying that this is exclusivel­y provincial ju‐ risdiction, and the federal government has no role to play in this at all. I'm not sure that's going to be an effective strategy long-term."

New options under con‐ sideration

An Alberta-Ottawa work‐ ing group has been meeting since last September, with a stated goal of finding consen‐ sus around emissions reduc‐ tion and energy develop‐ ment.

Ottawa said over the past six months, it has been con‐ sulting with provincial and territoria­l government­s, the Canada Electricit­y Advisory Council, Indigenous represen‐ tatives, electricit­y providers and environmen­tal organiza‐ tions, among others.

Based on those consulta‐ tions, Ottawa said it was con‐ sidering new options for the clean electricit­y regulation­s.

The proposed changes would change several provi‐ sions provinces and utilities objected to initially. They in‐ clude dropping intensityb­ased standards from green‐ house gas emissions limits.

That means generators would no longer be forced to meet a single standard of how much carbon is emitted per unit of energy. Instead, each generator would be assigned an annual emissions limit.

Companies that own a number of generators would also be allowed to pool emis‐ sions from facilities operating in the same jurisdicti­on. Com‐ panies would also be allowed to buy carbon offsets to com‐ pensate for overshooti­ng their assigned limits.

The government is also considerin­g changes to how new plants are brought in un‐ der the regulation­s.

Under the previous scheme, operators were con‐ cerned about the require‐ ment that all generation would have to either be re‐ newable or be equipped with carbon abatement by 2035. They argued that projects al‐ ready under constructi­on would be disadvanta­ged and could be left stranded once the new rules took effect.

The government now pro‐ poses a time-limited exemp‐ tion to that rule for fossil fuel generators that come into op‐ eration before 2025. A spokespers­on for Environ‐ ment and Climate Change Canada said there could be some "wiggle room" on the start date.

Industries that generate their own power and feed ex‐ tra back into the grid are also affected by the proposals. Previously, all generated power would have been af‐ fected by the regulation­s.

Under the suggested changes, only the power that gets fed back into the grid is affected. Power generated and used on-site would not be.

Finally, small generators producing under 25 megawat‐ ts would still be exempted. But any new units at the same facility collective­ly gen‐ erating more than that would have to follow the regula‐ tions.

Confident on climate goals: Guilbeault

Jason Dion, senior research director for the Canadian Cli‐ mate Institute, wrote in a statement that the revised design was a "welcome change" that will deliver more flexibilit­y for grid operators. Dion was a part of the govern‐ ment's electricit­y advisory council.

"Finalizing the regulation­s as early as possible would give policy certainty to grid operators, which would help with planning and invest‐ ment," said Dion, whose orga‐ nization focuses on climate change policy research.

When asked by CBC News whether the changes would affect Canada's climate goals moving forward, Guilbeault said the analysis is still on‐ going in regards to what's being proposed.

"There's a number of op‐ tions that have been put on the table. We won't necessar‐ ily use all of them, but we cer‐ tainly wants to hear people's views on all of them," he said.

"I'm confident that when we finalize the regulation­s, we will be very close to our initial target and that this very im‐ portant piece of regulation will enable Canada to reach its 2030 goals, en-route to a 2050 net-zero country."

Andrew Leach, who is an energy and environmen­tal economist and a professor at the University of Alberta, said he thought Ottawa had re‐ sponded not only to concerns from Saskatchew­an and Al‐ berta, but also from genera‐ tors, experts in the field and others.

"[Those people were say‐ ing], 'Hold on, hold on.' Elec‐ tricity is an industry that you need supply to equal demand at every instant in time, and some of the restrictio­ns you're putting through, the [regulation­s] might compro‐ mise that," Leach said.

"Those flexibilit­ies that needed to be there just weren't there. So you're seeing the federal govern‐ ment respond to that, which I think is great."

The government is contin‐ uing to collect feedback on the new regulation­s until March 15 and intends to pub‐ lish the final regulation­s later this year.

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